Animals Start with F

Do you know any Animals start with F? We would love to hear about them!

In this article, we have listed 100  of the most popular animals that begin with F. From Fabrosaurus to Fur Seal, these are the names of animals that start with F. So be sure to check out this list and see which ones you know!

Alphabetical List of Animals That Start with F
  • Fabrosaurus: Fabrosaurus was a small, herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the early Jurassic period. Its name means “Fabre’s lizard,” named after its discoverer, paleontologist Jean-Claude Fabre.
  • Falcarius: Falcarius was a therizinosaur, a group of herbivorous dinosaurs with long claws. It lived during the early Cretaceous period and is known for its unique tooth structure, which suggests it may have eaten more challenging plant material than other therizinosaurs.
  • Falcon: Falcons are birds of prey known for their speed and agility. They have sharp talons and beaks and are excellent hunters, feeding on other birds, small mammals, and insects. Falcons are also used in falconry, a sport in which trained falcons are used to hunt game.
  • Falkland Islands wolf: The Falkland Islands wolf, also known as the Falkland Islands fox or warrah, was a canid that lived on the Falkland Islands until it went extinct in the 19th century. It was the only native land mammal on the islands and is believed to have fed on penguins, seals, and other small animals.
  • Fallow deer: Fallow deer is found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. They are known for their distinctive palmate antlers and spotted coats. Fallow deer are herbivores, feeding on various vegetation, including leaves, shoots, and grasses. They are also commonly hunted for their meat and antlers.
  • False cobra: The false cobra, also known as the Indian smooth Snake, is a non-venomous snake in India and Sri Lanka. Despite its name, it does not belong to the cobra family nor possess the characteristic hood that authentic cobras have. It is harmless to humans and feeds on small animals like rodents and lizards.
  • False coral snake: The false coral snake, also called the mimicking coral snake, is a non-venomous snake found in Central and South America. It resembles the venomous coral snake but has different color patterns on its body. It mimics the coral snake’s appearance to deter predators and protect itself from harm. It feeds on small animals like frogs, lizards, and insects.
  • False gharial: The false gharial, also known as the Malayan gharial, is a freshwater crocodile in Southeast Asia. It resembles the gharial, a crocodile species found in India and Nepal, but has a shorter and broader snout. It feeds on fish and crustaceans and is listed as a vulnerable species due to habitat loss and hunting.
  • False killer whale: The whale is a large, predatory dolphin in oceans worldwide. Despite its name, it is not closely related to the killer whale and does not prey on other marine mammals. It is known for its cooperative hunting behavior and feeds on fish and squid. False killer whales are threatened due to entanglement in fishing gear and other human activities.
  • False water cobra: The False water cobra, also called the Brazilian Smooth Snake, is a non-venomous snake in South America. It resembles the venomous water cobra but has a different scale pattern on its head. It is popular in the pet trade due to its docile nature and is known to feed Fresh water fish and small reptiles.
  • False widow spider: The False widow spider is a venomous spider often confused with the black widow spider due to its similar appearance. It is native to Europe and is commonly found in gardens, sheds, and other structures. Its venom is not usually dangerous to humans but can cause pain, swelling, and other symptoms.
  • Fang tooth: The Fang tooth, also known as the Anoplogaster cornuta, is a deep-sea fish found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. It is known for its enormous fangs, which are used to catch and eat prey. It can grow up to 6 inches long and has a dark brown or black color.
  • Fathead sculpins: The Fathead sculpin is a small fish found in freshwater and saltwater environments in North America. It has a round body and a large head with a wide mouth. It is known for tolerating cold temperatures and low oxygen levels. It is an important food source for larger fish and birds.
A collage of eight animals that start with the letter F. The animals are:
Fabrosaurus, Fallow Deer, False Coral snake, False Gharial, False Killer whale, False Water cobra, Fang tooth, Fathead Sculpins
  • Fearful Owl: The Fearful Owl, also known as the Buff-fronted Owl, is a species of owl in South America. It is named for its distinctive facial pattern, which includes a buff-colored forehead. It is a nocturnal bird that hunts small mammals and insects. It is considered a threatened species due to habitat loss and hunting.
  • Feist: The Feist is a small dog breed believed to have originated in the Southern United States. It is a hunting dog that is known for its agility and endurance. It has a short, smooth coat and comes in various colors. It is famous for hunting small games such as squirrels and rabbits.
  • Fell ponies: Fell ponies are a rare breed of sturdy, solid, and versatile ponies that originated in England’s Lake District. These ponies are known for their intelligence, agility, and calm temperament, making them suitable for various tasks, from riding to pack-carrying.
  • Fennec fox: Fennec foxes are small, desert-dwelling foxes in North Africa and the Sahara desert. These adorable creatures are known for their distinctive large ears, which help them regulate their body temperature and hear prey in the dark. They are also skilled at digging, which they use to create underground dens to keep cool during the day.
  • Fer-de-lance snake: Fer-de-lance snakes, also known as terciopelos, are venomous pit vipers in Central and South America. These snakes are highly venomous and are responsible for many snakebite deaths in the region. They are named after their triangular head, reminiscent of a spearhead, and their reputation as aggressive predators.
  • Ferret: Ferrets are small carnivorous mammals that are often kept as pets. They are known for their playful, curious nature and ability to hunt rodents and other small animals. Ferrets have long, slender bodies related to weasels, otters, and badgers.
  • Ferruginous duck: Ferruginous ducks are large diving ducks found in Europe and Asia. These ducks are named after their rusty red or brown plumage, which is more pronounced in males. Ferruginous ducks feed on various aquatic plants and animals, building their nests on the ground near water sources.
  • Ferruginous hawk: Ferruginous hawks are large birds of prey found in North and South America. These hawks are named after their rusty-red plumage, which is more pronounced in juveniles. Ferruginous hawks are potent hunters, feeding on various small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
  • Fiddler crab: Fiddler crabs are small, brightly colored crabs found in mudflats and mangrove swamps worldwide. These crabs are named after their distinctive giant claw, which resembles a violin. Male fiddler crabs use their giant claw to attract mates and defend their territory, while female fiddler crabs have smaller feet.
  • Field Spaniel: The Field Spaniel is a breed of sporting dog that originated in England. They are known for their long, floppy ears and silky coat, which can come in various colors. They are intelligent and loyal companions and excel in obedience, agility, and hunting.
  • Fierce Snake: Also known as the inland taipan, the Fierce Snake is one of the deadliest snakes in the world. It is native to Australia and is known for its highly potent venom, which can cause rapid paralysis and death in as little as 45 minutes. Despite its name, the Fierce Snake is generally shy and reclusive and rarely comes into contact with humans.
  • Fila Brasileiro: The Fila Brasileiro, also known as the Brazilian Mastiff, is a large and powerful breed of dog that originated in Brazil. They were traditionally used for hunting and guarding and are known for their courage and loyalty. Due to their size and strength, they require experienced owners and careful socialization.
  • Fin Whale: The Fin Whale is the second-largest whale species in the world, second only to the Blue Whale. They are found in the world’s oceans and are known for their streamlined bodies and long, pointed fins. They are also one of the fastest-swimming whales, capable of reaching up to 37 miles per hour.
  • Fine-Striped Snapping Shrimp: The Fine-Striped Snapping Shrimp is a small, colorful shrimp found in coral reefs and other marine habitats. They are known for their unique ability to produce loud snapping sounds by rapidly closing their claws. These sounds are used for communication and defense and are among the most audible sounds produced by marine animals.
  • Finnish Lapphund: The Finnish Lapphund is a dog that originated in Finland. They are known for their friendly and sociable nature, making them great family pets. They were originally bred for herding reindeer and had thick coats to keep them warm in cold climates.
A collage of eight animals that start with the letter F. The animals are:
Fennec Fox, Ferrer, Ferruginous Duck, Fiddler Crab, Field Spaniel, Fierce Snake, Fin whale, Finnish Lapphund
  • Finnish Spitz: The Finnish Spitz, also known as the Suomenpystykorva, is a breed of dog that originated in Finland. They are known for their fox-like appearance and their signature yodel-like bark. They were initially bred to hunt small game and had a high energy level and strong hunting instincts.
  • Fiordland Penguin: The Fiordland Penguin, also known as the Tawaki Penguin, is a penguin species found only in New Zealand. They are known for their striking yellow crest of feathers above their eyes, which makes them easy to identify. They are considered one of the rarest penguin species in the world.
  • Fire Eel: The Fire Eel, also known as the Freshwater Moray Eel, is a species of eel found in Southeast Asia. They are known for their vibrant orange coloration and can grow up to 3 feet long. Despite their name, they are not eels but are part of the loach family.
  • Fire Salamander: The Fire Salamander is a species of salamander found in Europe. They are known for their distinctive black and yellow coloration, which is thought to be a warning to potential predators of their toxic skin secretions. They are typically found in moist environments, such as forests and near bodies of water.
  • Fire-Bellied Toad: The Fire-Bellied Toad is a species of toad that is found in Asia. They are known for their bright red or orange underbelly, which warns potential predators of their toxic skin secretions. They are typically found in wetland habitats, such as ponds and marshes, and are active primarily at night.
  • Firefly squid: The Firefly squid is a small species of squid that inhabits the deep waters of the western Pacific Ocean. These tiny creatures are known for their bioluminescence, which makes them glow in the dark. They are also an essential food source in Japan, where they are caught and consumed as a delicacy.
  • Friesian horse: The Friesian horse is a breed of horse that originated in Friesland, a province of the Netherlands. These horses are known for their stunning black coats, long manes, and feathered legs. They are often used in dressage, carriage driving, and other equestrian competitions.
  • Fish: Fish are aquatic animals in various shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be found in almost every body of water, from small streams to vast oceans. Fish play an important role in many ecosystems, serving as predators and prey.
  • Fisher cat: The Fisher cat is a carnivorous mammal that is native to North America. Despite its name, the Fisher cat is not a cat but a member of the weasel family. They are known for their agility and are excellent climbers, making them skilled hunters of small mammals like squirrels and rabbits.
  • Fishing cat: The Fishing cat is a medium-sized wild cat found in parts of Asia, including India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. As their name suggests, these cats are skilled hunters of fish. They have adapted to their aquatic prey by developing webbed toes that allow them to swim more efficiently.
A collage of eight animals that start with the letter F. The animals are:
Finnish Spitz,  Fiordland Penguin, Fire Salamander, Fire-Bellied Toad, Firefly squid, Fish, Fisher Cat, Fishing Cat
  • Flameback Angelfish: The Flameback Angelfish is a species of marine fish found in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. These fish are known for their vibrant coloration, which includes shades of orange, yellow, and blue. They are popular in the aquarium trade and are often kept in large tanks with other fish.
  • Flamboyant cuttlefish: The Flamboyant cuttlefish is a small species of cuttlefish that is found in tropical waters of the western Pacific Ocean. They are known for their striking coloration, which includes bright purple, yellow, and red hues. Unlike many other species of cuttlefish, the Flamboyant cuttlefish is toxic and is not consumed by humans.
  • Flamingo: Flamingos are wading birds known for their pink plumage and long, thin legs. They are often found in large flocks in shallow waters. They are known for their unique feeding behavior of filtering tiny organisms from the water with specialized bills.
  • Flamingo tongue snail: The Flamingo tongue snail is a tiny sea snail with a brightly colored shell often found in coral reefs. They are named for their shell’s resemblance to a flamingo’s tongue and are known for their intricate patterns and vibrant colors.
  • Flashlight fish: Flashlight fish are deep-sea fish with the unique ability to emit light from their bodies. They have specialized organs called photophores that allow them to produce light and use it to communicate with other fish, attract prey, or camouflage themselves.
  • Flatback sea turtle: The Flatback sea turtle is found in northern Australia’s waters. They are known for their unique flat shell, which is only slightly raised above their body, and their preference for shallow waters and sandy beaches.
  • Flat-coated retriever: The Flat-coated retriever is a breed of dog that originated in England. They are known for their friendly and outgoing personality and distinctive flat, shiny coat requiring regular grooming.
  • Flat-tailed horned lizard: The Flat tailed horned lizard is a small species of lizard found in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. They are named for their flattened tail and distinctive horns on their head, which they use for defense against predators.
  • Flatworms: Flatworms are diverse invertebrates in marine and freshwater environments. They are named for their flat, elongated bodies and lack of a proper body cavity. Some species of flatworms are parasitic, while others are free-living and play essential roles in their ecosystems.
  • Flea: Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They have a hard outer shell and powerful legs that enable them to jump great distances. Despite their tiny size, fleas can cause a lot of irritation and discomfort for their hosts, as they can carry diseases and cause allergic reactions.
  • Flemish giant: The Flemish giant is a breed of domestic rabbit that originated in Belgium. They are one of the giant breeds of rabbits, with some weighing up to 22 pounds. Despite their size, they are known for their gentle and docile temperament, making them popular pets.
  • Florida gar: The Florida gar is a freshwater fish found in the southern United States. They have long, slender bodies and distinctive snouts filled with sharp teeth. Florida gar is the apex predator in their ecosystem and is essential in regulating other fish populations.
  • Florida kingsnake: The Florida kingsnake is a non-venomous snake found in the southeastern United States. They are known for their distinctive black and white striped pattern, which is thought to be a warning to potential predators. Florida kingsnakes are famous pets for their docile nature and ease of care.
A collage of eight animals that start with the letter F. The animals are:
Flamboyant cuttlefish, Flamingo, flat back sea turtle, Flat coated Retriever, Flatworms, Flemish giant, Florida Gar, Florida Kingsnake
  • Florida panther: The Florida panther is a subspecies of cougar native to the southern United States. They are critically endangered, with only around 120 individuals remaining in the wild. Florida panthers are solitary animals and are primarily active at night.
  • Florida scrub lizard: The Florida scrub lizard is a small lizard found in the scrubland habitats of the southeastern United States. They have a distinctive pattern of green and brown scales and are known for their ability to blend in with their surroundings. Florida scrub lizards are an essential part of their ecosystem, as they help to control insect populations.
  • Florida white: The Florida white butterfly, also known as the Great Southern White, is a common butterfly species found in the southeastern United States. It has a wingspan of 2 to 2.5 inches and is distinguished by its white color with black margins on its wings.
  • Florida Woods cockroach: The Florida Woods cockroach, also known as the palmetto bug, is a giant species in the southeastern United States. Despite their intimidating size, they are not major household pests and do not pose any significant health risks to humans.
  • Flounder: Flounder is a flatfish found in the North Atlantic and Pacific coastal waters. They have a unique body structure with both eyes on one side of the head, allowing them to camouflage themselves in the sandy or muddy bottom of the ocean.
  • Flower horn fish: The Flower horn fish is a hybrid cichlid fish created by breeding different species of cichlids. It is known for its distinctive hump on the forehead and vibrant colors, making it a popular aquarium fish.
  • Fluffy-backed tit-babbler: The Fluffy-backed tit-babbler, also known as the Black-lored tit-babbler, is a small bird species found in the tropical and subtropical forests of Southeast Asia. It is known for its fluffy feathers on its back and its distinctive vocalization.
  • Fluke fish: The Fluke fish, also known as the Summer Flounder, is a flatfish in the western Atlantic Ocean. They are important commercial and recreational fish with a mild and delicate flavor that is popular in seafood dishes.
  • Fly: A fly is a tiny winged insect that belongs to the order Diptera. They have a pair of wings and a specialized mouthpart called a proboscis, allowing them to feed on liquids. Flies are known for their ability to fly quickly and erratically, which makes them difficult to catch.
  • Flying fish: Flying fish is a marine fish belonging to the family Exocoetidae. They are known for their ability to glide through the air for short distances using their large, wing-like pectoral fins. This behavior is believed to be an adaptation that helps them escape from predators in the water.
  • Flying lemur: Despite its name, the flying lemur is not a lemur and does not fly. It is a gliding mammal that belongs to the family Dermoptera. They have a membrane of skin called a patagium that extends between their limbs and allows them to glide through the air from tree to tree.
  • Flying Snake: The flying Snake is a serpent from the genus Chrysopelea. They are known for their ability to glide through the air by flattening their bodies and using their ribs to create a concave shape. This allows them to catch prey or escape from predators more easily.
  • Flying squirrel: The flying squirrel is a type of rodent that belongs to the family Sciuridae. They are known for their ability to glide through the air using a membrane of skin called a patagium that extends between their front and hind legs. This adaptation allows them to move between trees more efficiently and avoid predators.
A collage of eight animals that start with the letter F. These are:
Florida Panther, Florida Scrub Lizard, Flounder, Flower Horn fish, Flying Fish, Flying Lemur, Flying Snake, Flying Squirrel
  • Football fish: The fish is a deep-sea fish belonging to the family Himantolophidae. They are named for their football-shaped body and large, bioluminescent lure that they use to attract prey. Despite their intimidating appearance, they are not typically dangerous to humans as they live in deep waters.
  • Forest Buzzard: The common buzzard is a bird of prey found in forests and woodland areas across Europe and Asia. Its sharp talons and excellent eyesight make it a skilled hunter, feeding on small mammals, birds, and reptiles. The forest buzzard is an essential indicator of the health of forest ecosystems, as it relies on a diverse range of habitats and prey.
  • Forest Cobra: The forest cobra, also called the black cobra or the black and white cobra, is a venomous snake found in the forests of central and western Africa. Its highly toxic venom can cause paralysis or death, harming humans and other animals. Despite its deadly reputation, the forest cobra plays an essential role in the ecosystem by controlling rodent populations.
  • Formosan Mountain Dog: The Taiwanese dog is a domestic dog from Taiwan. It is a medium-sized dog with a muscular build and a thick, double coat that protects the cold mountain climate. The Formosan mountain dog is known for its loyalty, intelligence, and agility and is often used as a hunting and rescue dog.
  • Fossa: The fossa is a carnivorous mammal found only on the island of Madagascar. It has a long, slender body, sharp teeth, and claws and is a skilled climber, able to traverse the treetops of the forest canopy in search of prey. Despite its cat-like appearance, the fossa is more closely related to the mongoose.
  • Four Ring Purse Crab: The spotted porcelain crab is a small crab found in coral reefs and shallow waters throughout the Indo-Pacific region. It gets its name from the four white rings on its body, contrasting with its dark brown or black shell. The four-ring purse crab is essential to the reef ecosystem, feeding on algae and other tiny organisms.
  • Four-toed Hedgehog: The four-toed hedgehog is a small mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, also known as the African or white-bellied hedgehog. It has spiny fur and a soft, white underbelly on its back and sides. The four-toed hedgehog is nocturnal and feeds on insects, small mammals, and plant matter. It is sometimes kept as a pet due to its docile nature and cute appearance.
  • Fowler’s Toad: Fowler’s toad is a small, warty amphibian in North America. They have bumpy skin and are usually brown or greenish-gray in color. They are known for their distinctive trilling call, which sounds like a sheep bleating. These toads are also excellent at camouflaging themselves to avoid predators.
  • Fox: The fox is a small to medium-sized mammal known for its long, bushy tail and pointed snout. They are found in various habitats, from forests to urban areas, and are known for their cunning and intelligence. Foxes are omnivores and feed on small mammals, birds, and insects.
  • Fox Snake: Fox snakes are giant, non-venomous snakes in North America. They are typically yellow or brown with dark, blotchy markings along their backs. Fox snakes are excellent swimmers, often found near water sources such as rivers, lakes, and marshes.
  • Fox Squirrel: The fox squirrel is a large, bushy-tailed rodent in North America. They are typically gray or reddish-brown and are known for their bold and curious personalities. Fox squirrels are omnivores and feed on various foods, including nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects.
  • Fox Terrier: The fox terrier is a small, energetic dog breed known for its spunky personality and distinctive pointed ears. They were initially bred for hunting small game, such as foxes, and are known for their tenacity and determination.
  • Franciscana Dolphin: The Franciscana dolphin is a small, shy cetacean found in the coastal waters of South America. They are known for their distinctive blunt snouts and dark gray-brown coloration. These dolphins risk extinction due to habitat loss and accidental capture in fishing nets.
  • Fraser’s Dolphin: Fraser’s dolphin is a small and slender marine mammal in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They are known for their distinctive black-and-white markings and their playful behavior. These dolphins can dive 200 meters deep for food and swim up to 60 km/h.
  • French Angelfish: French angelfish are colorful marine fish found in the warm waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean. These fish are known for their striking yellow and black coloration and long, flowing dorsal and anal fins. They are a popular species for aquarium enthusiasts and are often seen in large groups in the wild.
  • French Angoras: French Angoras are a breed of domestic rabbit known for their long, soft, and silky wool. These rabbits require regular grooming and can produce large amounts of yarn which can be used for spinning or knitting. They are also popular as pets because of their gentle and docile nature.
  • French Bulldog: French bulldogs are a small and compact dog breed with a distinctive “bat ear” shape. They are known for their affectionate and playful personalities and are a popular family choice. However, due to their short snouts, they can be prone to specific health problems and require regular veterinary care.
  • French Lops: French lops are a breed of domestic rabbits known for their large size and long, floppy ears. They are gentle and affectionate animals and can make great pets. However, due to their size, they require plenty of space to move around and regular exercise.
  • Frenchton: A Frenchton is a designer breed of dog that crosses between a French bulldog and a Boston terrier. These dogs are known for their small size, affectionate personalities, and unique appearance. They require moderate exercise and regular grooming to maintain their health and appearance.
  • Frengle: Frengle is a designer dog breed that results from crossbreeding between French Bulldog and Beagle. Frengles are loyal, affectionate, and playful dogs, making them great companions for families with children.
  • Freshwater crocodile: The freshwater crocodile is a small species found in the freshwater habitats of northern Australia and some parts of Southeast Asia. These crocodiles are less aggressive than their saltwater cousins but can deliver a deadly bite.
  • Freshwater eel: A freshwater eel is a long, snake-like fish in freshwater habitats worldwide. They are known for their unique life cycle, which involves migrating to the ocean to breed and then returning to freshwater to mature and grow.
  • Freshwater jellyfish: Freshwater jellyfish are tiny, translucent jellyfish found in freshwater habitats worldwide. They are usually harmless to humans and essential to the freshwater ecosystem.
  • Frigate bird: Frigate bird is a large, oceanic bird known for its impressive wingspan and ability to stay airborne for days. These birds are found in tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide and are known for their distinctive, inflated throat pouches.
  • Frilled lizard: Frilled lizard is a unique lizard found in the forests and savannas of northern Australia and New Guinea. They are known for their distinctive, frill-like collar that they use to intimidate predators and attract mates.
  • Frilled shark: Frilled sharks are deep-sea creatures that are often called living fossils due to their primitive appearance. They have a long, eel-like body, six pairs of frilly gill slits, and needle-like teeth.
  • Fringe-lipped bat: The fringe-lipped bat, also known as the thyropterid bat, is a small insectivorous bat found in Central and South America. They have distinctive fringes of skin around their lips that help capture insects in mid-air.
  • Fringed myotis: The fringed myotis is a type of bat found in North and South America. They have long, narrow wings with fringed edges that allow them to fly silently and with excellent maneuverability as they hunt for insects.
  • Frog: Frogs are amphibians that are known for their distinctive croaking sound. They have long, powerful hind legs that allow them to jump long distances and webbed feet that help them swim.
A collage of eight animals that start with the letter F. These are:
Football fish, Forest Cobra, Formosan Mountain Dog, Fossa, fox, Frigate Bird, Frog Fish, fur seal
  • Frogfish: Frogfish are masters of camouflage, blending seamlessly into their surroundings as they wait for unsuspecting prey to swim by. They have stocky, frog-like body with broad, gaping mouth and fleshy fishing lure on their head.
  • Fruit bat: Fruit bats, also known as flying foxes, are giant bats worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions. They are essential pollinators and seed dispersers, helping to maintain the balance of ecosystems. Fruit bats have distinctive fox-like faces and eat mainly fruit and nectar.
  • Fruit fly: Fruit flies are small insects commonly found near ripe or rotting fruits. Despite their tiny size, they can cause significant damage to crops by laying eggs in the fruit, leading to spoilage and economic losses.
  • Fruitadens: Fruitadens was a small herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the late Jurassic period. Its unique features, such as spoon-shaped teeth and small size, allowed it to adapt to its environment and feed on thorny vegetation.
  • Fukuiraptor: Fukuiraptor was a carnivorous dinosaur that lived during the early Cretaceous period. With sharp teeth and powerful limbs, it was a formidable predator and could reach up to 16 feet in length.
  • Fukuisaurus: Fukuisaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the late Jurassic period. Its long neck and tail and unique tooth structure suggest it fed on thorny vegetation such as conifer needles.
  • Fur seal: Fur seals are aquatic mammals well-adapted to living in cold and harsh environments. Their thick fur coat provides excellent insulation against the cold water, and they are excellent swimmers, using their flippers to navigate the ocean currents.


As you can see, many exciting animals start with the letter F.

What are some of your favorite ones? Drop a comment down below and share them! 

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