Animals Start with W

A featured image showing three animals, a wasp, a water dragon, and a worm, representing animals that start with the letter "W."

Welcome to our blog on animals that with W!

Do you know all the animals that start with the letter W? If not, you’re not alone. As you can see, we’ve provided a list of animals beginning with W.  You can find these animals on land, water, and air. White Tiger is the most well-known animal whose name starts with W, while the Water Vole is the least popular. From Wahoo Fish to Wyoming Toads, learn more about 90 different animals that begin with the letter W by reading the information below.

Alphabetical List of Animals That Start with W

Here is an alphabetical list of some of the world’s most amazing animals, starting with W.

1. Wahoo Fish:

  • The Wahoo Fish, or Acanthocybium solandri, is a fast and powerful predatory fish in tropical and subtropical waters.
  • With its streamlined body and sharp teeth, the Wahoo Fish is an agile hunter known for its incredible speed.
  • Anglers prize the Wahoo Fish for its challenging fight and delicious flesh, making it a popular target for sport fishing.

2. Walking Catfish:

  • The Walking Catfish is a unique fish species capable of moving across land.
  • It possesses specialized pectoral fins that allow it to “walk” or wriggle on moist surfaces.
  • Walking Catfish are native to Southeast Asia and have adapted to survive in oxygen-deprived waters by breathing air through a primitive lung-like structure.

3. Wallaby:

  • Wallabies are marsupials closely related to kangaroos and are native to Australia and nearby islands.
  • They are characterized by their small size, powerful hind legs, and ability to hop with remarkable agility.
  • Wallabies are herbivorous and inhabit various habitats, ranging from grasslands to forests.

4. Walleye:

  • The Walleye is a popular freshwater game fish found in North America.
  • It is named for its unique, reflective eyes that shine like glass in low-light conditions.
  • Walleye are prized by anglers for their delicious flesh and challenging fishing experience.

5. Walrus:

  • The Walrus is a large marine mammal inhabiting the Arctic region.
  • With their massive bodies, long tusks, and distinctive whiskers, Walruses are iconic symbols of the polar regions.
  • These friendly animals spend much of their lives on sea ice, using their tusks and powerful flippers to haul themselves out of the water and navigate icy surfaces.

6. Wandering Albatross:

  • The Wandering Albatross is one of the largest seabird species in the world.
  • It has an impressive wingspan, spanning up to 3.5 meters, enabling it to glide effortlessly over the open oceans.
  • Wandering Albatrosses are known for their remarkable long-distance migrations and ability to spend months at sea.

7. Wapiti:

  • The Wapiti, also known as the American Elk, is one of the largest species of deer found in North America and East Asia.
  • Known for their impressive antlers and robust build, Wapiti males engage in dramatic displays and vocalizations during the rutting season.
  • These majestic animals inhabit various habitats, including forests and open grasslands, and play crucial roles in shaping their ecosystems.

8. Warbler:

  • Warblers are a diverse group of small, insectivorous birds known for their vibrant plumage and melodic songs.
  • They are highly migratory, traveling long distances between breeding and wintering grounds.
  • Warblers are found in diverse habitats worldwide, from forests to wetlands. They are sought after by birdwatchers for their beauty and unique behaviors.

9. Warthog:

  • The Warthog is a sturdy and distinctive-looking mammal native to sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Its large tusks, warty facial structures, and bristly mane characterize it.
  • Due to their high adaptability, warthogs can live in various environments, including grasslands, savannas, and deserts.

10. Wasp:

  • Wasps are a diverse group of insects belonging to the order Hymenoptera and suborder Apocrita.
  • They play essential roles in pollination and pest control, but some species are known for their ability to sting.
  • Wasps build intricate nests and display a range of fascinating behaviors, making them subjects of scientific study and natural curiosity.

11. Water Buffalo:

  • The Water Buffalo is a large bovine species native to Asia and Africa.
  • It is well-adapted to aquatic environments and is often found near rivers, swamps, and wetlands.
  • Water Buffaloes are domesticated animals and are highly valued for their milk, meat and as draft animals for agricultural work.

12. Water Deer:

  • The Water Deer is a small deer species native to East Asia.
  • It is unique among deer species due to its long canine teeth resembling fangs.
  • Water Deer are adapted to habitats near water and are proficient swimmers.

13. Water Dragon:

  • The Water Dragon refers to several species of semiaquatic lizards native to Asia.
  • These reptiles are well-adapted to aquatic environments and are known for their ability to swim and submerge themselves in water.
  • Water Dragons are famous in the pet trade and require specific care to thrive in captivity.

14. Water Monitor:

  • The Water Monitor is a large lizard species found in Southeast Asia.
  • It is one of the largest monitor lizard species, often growing over two meters long.
  • Water Monitors are skilled swimmers and can be found near water bodies, feeding on a diet that includes fish, small mammals, and eggs.

15. Water Vole:

  • The Water Vole is a semiaquatic rodent species native to Europe and Asia.
  • It is well-adapted to life in and around freshwater habitats, building burrows along riverbanks and lakeshores.
  • Water Voles play essential roles in ecosystem functioning, such as shaping vegetation communities and providing food for predators.

16. Waxwing:

  • Waxwings are a group of passerine birds known for their sleek appearance and unique wax-like wing tips.
  • They are very friendly birds and often gather in large groups in the winter.
  • Waxwings are primarily fruit-eating birds known for their nomadic behaviors in search of seasonal food sources.

17. Weasel:

  • Weasels are small carnivorous mammals belonging to the Mustelidae family.
  • They are agile and swift hunters, known for their ability to catch prey larger than themselves.
  • Weasels have long, slender bodies in various habitats worldwide, from forests to grasslands.

18. Weaver:

  • Weavers are small to medium-sized passerine birds known for their exceptional nest-building skills.
  • They construct intricate, woven nests made from grasses and other plant materials.
  • Weavers are found in Africa, and parts of Asia, and their vibrant plumage adds beauty to the natural landscapes they inhabit.

19. Weevil:

  • Weevils are a diverse group of beetles belonging to the superfamily Curculionoidea.
  • They are known for their elongated snouts and herbivorous feeding habits.
  • Weevils can be found in various habitats, including forests, fields, and gardens, and some species are considered pests due to their impact on crops and stored grains.

20. Weimaraner: 

  • The Weimaraner is a remarkable dog breed known for its striking appearance and versatility.
  • With its sleek silver-gray coat and captivating amber or blue-gray eyes, the Weimaraner captures hearts at first sight.
  • This breed excels in various activities, including hunting, tracking, agility, and obedience competitions.

21. Weimardoodle:

  • The Weimardoodle is an adorable crossbreed between a Weimaraner and a Poodle, combining the best traits of both breeds.
  • This intelligent and affectionate companion is cherished for its hypoallergenic coat and gentle nature.
  • Weimardoodles are good with children and other pets and have low-maintenance skin.

22. Welsh Corgi: 

  • With its iconic short legs and long body, the Welsh Corgi is an incredibly charming and charismatic breed.
  • Known for their intelligence and lively nature, Welsh Corgis are excellent family pets and great with children.
  • These small herding dogs need daily exercise to stay happy and healthy, as they have a lot of energy.

23. Welsh Terrier:

  • The Welsh Terrier is a spirited, tenacious dog breed with personality and boundless energy.
  • With their distinctive black and tan wiry coat, these terriers are eye-catching and low-shedding.
  • Welsh Terriers are known for their loyalty and make excellent companions for active individuals or families.

24. West Highland Terrier:

  • The West Highland Terrier, affectionately known as the Westie, is a small and charming dog breed.
  • Their white double coat, button eyes, and perky ears make them cute and photogenic.
  • Westies are spirited, friendly, and adaptable, making them ideal pets for various lifestyles and living environments.

25. West Indian Manatee: 

  • The West Indian Manatee, also called the sea cow, is a fascinating marine mammal in warm coastal waters.
  • Known for their peaceful and gentle nature, these herbivorous creatures spend their days leisurely grazing on aquatic plants.
  • Due to habitat loss and human activities, West Indian Manatees are considered endangered and require conservation efforts.

26. Western Blind Snake: 

  • The Western Blind snake, despite its name, is not blind but has reduced vision due to its tiny eyes.
  • These non-venomous snakes are often mistaken for earthworms due to their slender bodies and smooth scales.
  • Western Blind snakes play an essential role in ecosystems as they feed on ant and termite larvae, contributing to natural pest control.

27. Western Diamondback Rattlesnake: 

  • The Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is a giant, venomous snake in the western United States and Mexico.
  • Recognizable by the distinctive diamond-shaped patterns on its scales and a rattle at the end of its tail, this snake commands respect.
  • Found in arid regions, the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is vital in controlling rodent populations and maintaining ecosystem balance.

28. Western Gorilla: 

  • The Western Gorilla is one of the largest and most potent primate species, inhabiting the forests of Central Africa.
  • These gentle giants are brilliant and display complex social structures within their family groups.
  • Unfortunately, Western Gorillas face significant threats due to habitat destruction and poaching, making conservation efforts crucial.

29. Western Green Mamba: 

  • The Western Green Mamba is a highly venomous snake found in the forests of West Africa.
  • This mamba is beautiful and deadly with its vibrant green coloration and slender body.
  • Despite its venomous nature, the Western Green Mamba prefers to avoid human encounters and will retreat if given the opportunity.

30. Western Hognose Snake: 

  • The Western Hognose Snake is a fascinating reptile known for its unique defense mechanism.
  • When threatened, it flattens its neck, hisses, and may even play dead, earning its reputation as a master pretender.
  • These harmless snakes are popular among reptile enthusiasts due to their distinctive appearance and docile nature.

31. Western Lowland Gorilla:

  • The Western Lowland Gorilla is a magnificent primate that resides in the dense rainforests of Central Africa.
  • With its muscular build and expressive eyes, the Western Lowland Gorilla captivates observers with its grace and power.
  • Sadly, these gorillas face numerous challenges, including habitat loss and the threat of diseases, requiring conservation initiatives for their survival.

32. Westiepoo: 

  • The Westiepoo is an adorable crossbreed between a West Highland Terrier and a Poodle, combining the best traits of both breeds.
  • Known for their friendly nature and hypoallergenic coats, Westiepoos are ideal companions for individuals with allergies.
  • These lively and intelligent dogs thrive on human companionship and enjoy engaging in various activities, making them excellent family pets.

33. Whale: 

  • Whales are awe-inspiring creatures that capture our imagination with their enormous size and gentle nature.
  • These marine mammals, known for their melodic songs and graceful movements, traverse the vast oceans for food and companionship.
  • Whales play a vital ecological role and symbolize conservation efforts to protect their habitats and ensure survival.

34. Whale Shark: 

  • The Whale Shark, despite its massive size, is a gentle and harmless filter-feeding shark species.
  • With its distinctive checkerboard pattern and colossal mouth, this magnificent creature feeds on tiny plankton and fish.
  • Although the largest fish in the sea, Whale Sharks are docile and pose no threat to humans, attracting eco-tourists worldwide.

35. Wheaten Terrier: 

  • The Wheaten Terrier is an energetic and affectionate breed known for its soft and silky coat.
  • These playful dogs are friendly and get along well with children and other pets.
  • Wheatens require regular grooming to maintain their luxurious coat and thrive in active households where they can participate in outdoor adventures.

36. Whimbrel:

  • The Whimbrel is a migratory wading bird with a long, downcurved bill.
  • Known for its distinctive long curved bill and brownish plumage.
  • Often found along coastal areas and marshes, foraging for small crustaceans, insects, and marine invertebrates.

37. Whinchat:

  • The Whinchat is a small songbird with a brown back and a white breast.
  • It boasts a striking appearance with vibrant orange-brown plumage and a distinct white stripe above the eye.
  • Prefers open grasslands and hedgerows as its habitat.

38. Whippet:

  • The Whippet is a medium-sized sighthound dog breed.
  • Known for its sleek and athletic build, with a slender body and deep chest.
  • These dogs are renowned for their impressive speed and agility, making them excellent racing and coursing dogs.

39. Whiptail Lizard:

  • The Whiptail Lizard is a group of lizards in North and Central America.
  • They are known for their long, slender bodies and whip-like tails.
  • Whiptail Lizards are primarily insectivorous and inhabit various habitats, from deserts to grasslands.

40. White Butterfly:

  • A type of butterfly found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
  • White butterflies are attracted to flowers, and they feed on nectar. 
  • They are an essential part of the ecosystem because they help to pollinate plants.

41. White Ferret:

  • The White Ferret, an albino ferret, is a domesticated carnivorous mammal.
  • It possesses a white or cream-colored coat and pink eyes.
  • White Ferrets make popular pets and are valued for their playful and curious nature.

42. White Hawk:

  • The White Hawk is a raptor species found in the Americas.
  • It has a predominantly white plumage with dark wingtips and piercing eyes.
  • White Hawks are skilled hunters, preying on small mammals, birds, and reptiles.

43. White Marlin:

  • The White Marlin is a highly sought-after game fish.
  • It is known for its speed, agility, and acrobatic leaps when hooked.
  • Found in warm oceanic waters, the White Marlin offers an exciting challenge for sports fishermen.

44. White Rhino:

  • The White Rhino is one of the largest land mammals.
  • Despite its name, it has gray or brownish-gray skin.
  • White Rhinos are herbivores and graze on grasses, using their square-shaped lips for feeding.

45. White Rhinoceros:

  • The White Rhinoceros, also known as the Square-lipped Rhinoceros, is a rhinoceros native to Africa.
  • It is the largest species of rhinoceros and has a distinctive squared upper lip.
  • White Rhinos are herbivores and play a vital role in shaping the ecosystems they inhabit.

46. White Shark:

  • The White Shark, also known as the Great White Shark, is a large predatory shark species.
  • It is famous for its powerful presence and sharp teeth.
  • White Sharks are found in coastal waters worldwide and are renowned for their role as apex predators.

47. White Tiger:

  • The White Tiger is a rare color variant of the Bengal Tiger.
  • It possesses a creamy white coat with dark stripes and striking blue eyes.
  • White Tigers hold cultural significance and are often revered as symbols of strength and beauty.

48. White-Faced Capuchin:

  • The White-Faced Capuchin is a species of New World monkey.
  • It is recognized for its distinctive white facial markings.
  • These intelligent and social primates inhabit the forests of Central and South America.

49. Whitefish:

  • type of fish that is found in cold freshwater lakes and rivers. 
  • Their silver-colored scales and delicate flavor characterize them.
  • Whitefish are an essential food source for many animals, including humans.

50. Whitetail Deer:

  • The Whitetail Deer is a common deer species in North and South America.
  • It gets its name from the white underside of its tail, which is raised as a warning signal.
  • Whitetail Deer are adaptable and thrive in diverse habitats, including forests, grasslands, and suburban areas.

51. White-Tailed Eagle:

  • type of eagle that is found in North America and Europe. 
  • Its impressive size, wingspan, and white tail feathers distinguish it.
  • White-Tailed Eagles are skilled hunters known for their aerial prowess and fishing abilities.

52. Whiting:

  • A type of fish that is found in the Atlantic Ocean. Whiting is an important food source for many animals, including humans.
  • These fish are known for their delicate and mild-flavored white flesh.
  • Whiting is commonly found in coastal waters and is a popular recreational fishing target.

53. Whoodle:

  •  A hybrid dog breed that is a cross between a White Shepherd and a Poodle.
  • It combines the hypoallergenic and low-shedding qualities of the Poodle with the friendly nature of the Wheaten Terrier.
  • Whoodles are affectionate and intelligent and make excellent family pets.

54. Whooping Crane:

  • The Whooping Crane is a large and majestic bird known for its distinctive whooping call.
  • It is one of the rarest crane species and a symbol of conservation efforts.
  • Whooping Cranes breed in North America and migrate to southern regions during the winter.

55. Wild Boar:

  • The Wild Boar, also known as the Wild Pig, is a suid species native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa.
  • It has a robust body, tusks, and a bristly coat.
  • Wild Boars are omnivorous and are known for their intelligence and adaptability.

56. Wild Horse:

  • The Wild Horse, also known as a feral horse, refers to domestic horses that have returned to a wild state.
  • These horses typically roam free in natural habitats like plains and grasslands.
  • Wild Horses exhibit natural behaviors and adaptations necessary for survival in the wild.

57. Wild Turkey:

  • The Wild Turkey is a large game bird native to North America.
  • It is known for its striking appearance, featuring iridescent feathers and a distinctive fanned tail.
  • Wild Turkeys inhabit forests and woodlands and are notable for their unique gobbling calls.

58. Wildcat:

  • The Wildcat is a small to medium-sized feline species.
  • Found in various parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa.
  • Wildcats are skilled hunters and are known for their elusive nature and adaptability.

59. Wildebeest:

  • The Wildebeest, known as the Gnu, is a large African antelope species.
  • Its robust build, curved horns, and distinctive migration patterns characterize it.
  • Wildebeests play a significant role in maintaining the balance of the savannah ecosystem.

60. Willet:

  • The Willet is a medium-sized shorebird found along coastal areas.
  • It has a distinctive long, straight bill and striking black and white plumage.
  • Willets are known for their unique calls and can be seen probing the sand and mud for food.

61. Willow Warbler:

  • The Willow Warbler is a small, brown, and yellow songbird that breeds in Europe and Asia.
  • It has a greenish-brown plumage and a melodic song.
  • Willow Warblers breed in Europe and migrate to Africa for the winter.

62. Wire Fox Terrier:

  • The Wire Fox Terrier is a small terrier dog breed that originated in England.
  • It is known for its alert and energetic personality.
  • Wire Fox Terriers are versatile dogs and excel in various activities, including agility and obedience competitions.

63. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon:

  • The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a medium to large-sized hunting dog breed.
  • It has a distinctive wiry coat and a keen sense of smell.
  • Wirehaired Pointing Griffons are prized for their versatility and are excellent gun dogs.

64. Wolf:

  • The Wolf is a large, social canine in North America, Europe, and Asia. 
  • It is known for its strong pack bonds and communication through howling.
  • Wolves are vital in maintaining healthy ecosystems and have a significant cultural and symbolic presence.

65. Wolf Eel:

  • The Wolf Eel is a fish species found in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.
  • Despite its name, it is not a true eel but a fish related to the blennies.
  • Wolf Eels have long, slender bodies and powerful jaws and inhabit rocky reefs and kelp forests.

66. Wolf Snake:

  • The Wolf Snake is a non-venomous snake found in various regions of the world.
  • Its slender body and elongated head characterize it.
  • Wolf Snakes are primarily nocturnal and feed on small reptiles and amphibians.

67. Wolf Spider:

  • The Wolf Spider is a robust and agile spider species.
  • It is known for its hunting behavior and ability to chase down its prey.
  • Wolf Spiders are found worldwide and can be identified by their distinct eye pattern.

68. Wolffish:

  • The Wolffish, also known as the Sea Wolf, is a fish in cold-water regions.
  • It has a large head, powerful jaws, and sharp teeth.
  • Wolffish are known for their unique appearance and are highly adapted to deep-sea habitats.

69. Wolverine:

  • The Wolverine is a carnivorous mammal resembling a small bear.
  • It is known for its strength, agility, and ferocity.
  • Wolverines inhabit remote and rugged landscapes and are renowned for their tenacity.

70. Woma Python:

  • The Woma Python is a non-venomous snake native to Australia.
  • It has a slender body and a distinctive pattern of scales.
  • Woma Pythons are adept hunters and feed primarily on small mammals and reptiles.

71. Wombat:

  • The Wombat is a marsupial native to Australia.
  • It has a sturdy build, strong claws, and a pouch for carrying its young.
  • Wombats are known for their burrowing behavior and are considered symbols of resilience.

72. Wood Bison:

  • The Wood Bison is a large and robust species of bison.
  • It is one of the two subspecies of American Bison and is found primarily in northern regions.
  • Wood Bison play a crucial role in shaping the ecology of their habitats and are classified as a threatened species.

73. Wood Duck:

  • The Wood Duck is a colorful and distinctive duck species.
  • It exhibits stunning plumage patterns, including a vibrant mix of colors.
  • Wood Ducks are known for nesting in tree cavities near water bodies.

74. Wood Frog:

  • The Wood Frog is a small amphibian found in North America.
  • It is known for tolerating freezing temperatures and surviving in subarctic and temperate regions.
  • Wood Frogs undergo a unique adaptation known as freeze tolerance during hibernation.

75. Wood Turtle:

  • The Wood Turtle, known as the Old Red Legs, is a freshwater turtle species.
  • It is characterized by its colorful markings and a distinctive domed shell.
  • Wood Turtles are found in various habitats, including forests, swamps, and streams.

76. Woodchuck:

  • The Woodchuck, also known as the Groundhog, is a rodent species.
  • It is renowned for its burrowing behavior and the ability to predict the onset of spring.
  • Woodchucks play a role in shaping ecosystems and are known for their digging abilities.

77. Woodcock:

  • The Woodcock is a small to medium-sized wading bird.
  • It has a long bill, cryptic plumage, and a unique courtship display.
  • Woodcocks are known for their excellent camouflage and are primarily nocturnal.

78. Woodlouse:

  • The Woodlouse is a small terrestrial crustacean known as the pill bug or roly-poly.
  • It is recognized for its ability to roll into a ball when threatened.
  • Woodlice are decomposers and play a role in breaking down organic matter in the environment.

79. Woodlouse Spider:

  • The Woodlouse Spider is a spider species known for its association with woodlice.
  • It preys on woodlice and is often found near them.
  • Woodlouse Spiders have a unique appearance and behavior, making them intriguing study subjects.

80. Woodpecker:

  • The Woodpecker is a bird species known for its specialized beak and drumming behavior.
  • It uses its strong beak to excavate tree trunks in search of insects and to create drumming sounds for communication.
  • Woodpeckers are found in various habitats worldwide and are valued for their ecological role.

81. Woodrat:

  • The Woodrat, or the Packrat, is a rodent species found in North America.
  • It is known for collecting and storing various objects in its nest.
  • Woodrats play a role in seed dispersal and are considered critical ecological contributors.

82. Woolly Mammoth:

  • The Woolly Mammoth is an extinct elephant species that roamed the Earth during the Ice Age.
  • It had long, curved tusks and a thick coat of hair for insulation in cold environments.
  • Woolly Mammoths are of great scientific interest and provide insights into prehistoric ecosystems.

83. Woolly Monkey:

  • The Woolly Monkey is a monkey found in the rainforests of South America.
  • It has a dense, wool-like coat and a prehensile tail for grasping branches.
  • Woolly Monkeys are highly social animals and are known for their acrobatic abilities.

84. Worm:

  • The Worm refers to various species of elongated, soft-bodied invertebrates.
  • They play crucial roles in soil health and nutrient cycling.
  • Worms come in different types, including earthworms, marine worms, and parasitic worms.

85. Worm Snake:

  • The Worm Snake is a small and slender snake species.
  • It’s burrowing behavior and secretive nature characterize it.
  • Worm Snakes feed on small invertebrates and are found in diverse habitats.

86. Wrasse:

  • The Wrasse is a colorful and diverse fish family.
  • It is known for its vibrant patterns and unique behaviors.
  • Wrasse species can be found in various marine habitats around the world.

87. Wren:

  • The Wren is a small songbird known for its energetic and melodic song.
  • It has a compact body and is often found in woodlands and gardens.
  • Wrens are highly active and agile birds that play essential roles in insect control.

88. Writing Spider:

  • The Writing Spider is a giant spider species known as the Golden Orb-Weaver.
  • It creates intricate orb webs often adorned with distinctive zigzag patterns.
  • Writing Spiders are beneficial predators that help control insect populations.

89. Wrought iron Butterflyfish:

  • The Wrought iron Butterflyfish is a species of marine fish found in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • It is characterized by its distinctive black-and-white pattern and elongated dorsal fin.
  • Wrought iron Butterflyfish are popular aquarium species due to their striking appearance.

90. Wyoming Toad:

  • The Wyoming Toad, also known as the Baxter’s Toad, is a critically endangered amphibian species.
  • It is endemic to Wyoming in the United States.
  • Wyoming Toads are the focus of intense conservation efforts to prevent their extinction.


We hope you enjoyed reading this post. It was not that difficult to find out the name of animals that start with W, but there are many more interesting details about them as well.

If you want to know more about them, head over to our website and get started reading!

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