Animals Start with U

Three animals, Uliodon, Unicorn fish, and Urva, gathered together in a college

Welcome to our blog on animals that Start with U!

As you can see, we’ve provided a list of animals beginning with U.  You can find these animals on land, water, and air. The unicorn is the most well-known animal whose name starts with U, while the Urchin is the least popular. From Ucayali Spiny Mouse to Uvea Parakeet, learn more about 99 different animals that begin with the letter U by reading the list below:

Alphabetical List of Animals That Start with U

Here is an alphabetical list of some of the world’s most amazing animals, starting with U.

1. Ucayali Spiny Mouse:

  • The Ucayali Spiny Mouse is a species of rodent found in the Ucayali River region of Peru.
  • It is characterized by its spiny fur, which protects predators.
  • Ucayali Spiny Mice are small, nocturnal mammals that primarily feed on seeds and fruits.

2. Uda Sheep:

  • nocturnal rodent found in the Amazon rainforest.
  • It is known for its white wool and adaptability to harsh climates.
  • Uda Sheep are primarily raised for wool, meat, and milk production.

3. Udzungwa Partridge:

  • The Udzungwa Partridge, also known as the Udzungwa Forest Partridge, is a bird species found in the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania.
  • It inhabits montane forests and is known for its distinctive plumage and vocalizations.
  • Udzungwa Partridges are considered endangered due to habitat loss and limited range.

4. Uganda Kob:

  • The Uganda Kob is a species of antelope native to Uganda and surrounding regions in East Africa.
  • It is known for its reddish-brown coat, lyre-shaped horns, and characteristic leaping behavior.
  • Uganda Kobs inhabit savannah grasslands and are notable for their acrobatic displays during courtship rituals.

5. Uganda Woodland Warbler:

  • The Uganda Woodland Warbler, also known as the Ugandan Warbler, is a small passerine bird endemic to the Albertine Rift of East Africa.
  • It has olive-green plumage and distinctive yellow eye-rings.
  • Uganda Woodland Warblers inhabit montane forests and are known for their melodious song.

6. Uguisu:

  • Uguisu is a small, brown, and white bird found in Japan.
  • It has a plain brown plumage and is renowned for its melodic and distinctive song.
  • Uguisu is considered a symbol of spring in Japanese culture and is highly valued for its music.

7. Ukrainian Levkoy:

  • The Ukrainian Levkoy is a breed of domestic cat that originated in Ukraine.
  • It is known for its unique appearance, including folded ears and a hairless or semi-hairless coat.
  • Ukrainian Levkoys are friendly, affectionate pets that enjoy human companionship.

8. Ukrainian Ridding Horse:

  • The Ukrainian Ridding Horse, also known as the Ukrainian Riding Horse, is a versatile horse breed from Ukraine.
  • It is bred for its strength, endurance, and suitability for various equestrian disciplines.
  • Ukrainian Ridding Horses are prized for their athleticism and gentle temperament.

9. Uliodon:

  • Uliodon is a genus of venomous snakes found in Southeast Asia.
  • It includes several species known for their venomous bites and distinctively patterned scales.
  • Uliodon snakes are typically arboreal and feed on small vertebrates and invertebrates.

10. Ultimate Mastiff:

  • The Ultimate Mastiff, known as the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog, is a large and muscular dog breed.
  • It is a crossbreed between the Old English Bulldog and various mastiff-type breeds.
  • Ultimate Mastiffs are known for their loyalty, protective nature, and impressive physical strength.

11. Ultimate Shrew:

  • The Ultimate Shrew, also known as the Hero Shrew, is a small mammal in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • It is known for its solid and flexible spine, which allows it to withstand pressure and navigate through narrow spaces.
  • Ultimate Shrews feed on insects, worms, and other invertebrates.

12. Ultramarine Flycatcher:

  • The Ultramarine Flycatcher is a small bird species in parts of Asia, including India and Southeast Asia.
  • It is known for its vibrant ultramarine-blue plumage and aerial insect-catching behavior.
  • Ultramarine Flycatchers inhabit forests and are known for their agile flight and insect-hunting skills.

13. Ultramarine Grosbeak:

  • The Ultramarine Grosbeak is a bird species found in the forests of Southeast Asia, including Thailand and Malaysia.
  • It has striking blue plumage and a distinctive large beak.
  • Ultramarine Grosbeaks primarily feed on fruits, seeds, and insects.

14. Ultramarine Kingfisher:

  • The Ultramarine Kingfisher, also known as the Blue Kingfisher or Blue-breasted Kingfisher, is a colorful bird species in parts of Asia, including Indonesia and the Philippines.
  • It has vibrant blue and orange plumage and a long, pointed bill.
  • Ultramarine Kingfishers inhabit mangrove forests and coastal areas, where they dive into the water to catch fish and other small aquatic prey.

15. Ultramarine Lorikeet:

  • The Ultramarine Lorikeet is a small parrot species found in the tropics.
  • It is known for its brilliant blue plumage and playful nature.
  • Ultramarine Lorikeets primarily feed on nectar, pollen, and fruits.

16. Ultramarine Lory:

  • The Ultramarine Lory, also known as the Blue Lorikeet, is a parrot species found in the tropical rainforests of Papua New Guinea.
  • It has vibrant blue plumage with red markings on its head and chest.
  • Ultramarine Lories are known for their ability to mimic sounds and fondness for nectar-rich flowers.

17. Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird:

  • The Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird is a small bird species endemic to the Uluguru Mountains of Tanzania.
  • It has glossy black plumage with iridescent violet-blue patches on its back.
  • Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbirds primarily feed on nectar and contribute to pollination within their mountainous habitat.

18. Ulysses Butterfly:

  • The Ulysses Butterfly, also called the Blue Mountain Butterfly, is a unique species in northeastern Australia.
  • It is known for its vibrant electric blue wings with contrasting black edges.
  • Ulysses Butterflies inhabit rainforests and are considered a symbol of beauty and conservation.

19. U-mark Sandperch:

  • The U-mark Sandperch, also known as the U-mark Grouper, is a species of fish found in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • It has a distinctive U-shaped marking on its head and a vibrant, patterned body.
  • U-mark Sandperch inhabits coral reefs and is popular among aquarium enthusiasts.

20. Umbee Cichlid:

  • The Umbee Cichlid, also known as the Umbee or the Blue Freckled Monster, is a cichlid species native to Central America.
  • Its large size, vibrant colors, and aggressive behavior characterize it.
  • Umbee Cichlids are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their striking appearance and exciting behavior.

21. Umbrella Bird:

  • The Umbrella Bird is a unique bird species found in the rainforests of Central and South America.
  • It is characterized by its distinctive crest on its head, which resembles an umbrella when fully extended.
  • Umbrella Birds are known for their elaborate courtship displays and vocalizations.

22. Unadorned Flycatcher:

  • Small, brown bird found in the forests of South America. 
  • It is known for its simple and unadorned plumage, which helps it blend into its surroundings.
  • Unadorned Flycatchers feed primarily on insects and are skilled aerial hunters.

23. Unadorned Rock Wallaby:

  • The Unadorned Rock Wallaby, also known as the Bald Rock Wallaby, is a marsupial found in rocky habitats in Australia.
  • It is characterized by its unadorned coat, which lacks distinct markings or patterns.
  • Unadorned Rock Wallabies are agile climbers and have adapted to life in rocky terrain.

24. Unalaska Collared Lemming:

  • The Unalaska Collared Lemming is a small rodent species found in the tundra regions of Alaska.
  • It is known for its distinctive collar and fur ring around its neck.
  • Unalaska Collared Lemmings are herbivorous and play an essential role in the Arctic ecosystem as a food source for predators.

25. Unarmed Dwarf Monocle Bream:

  • The Unarmed Dwarf Monocle Bream, also known as the Unarmed Bicolor Goatfish, is a colorful fish species found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific.
  • It is characterized by its vibrant colors and lack of armament, such as spines or sharp fins.
  • Unarmed Dwarf Monocle Breams are bottom-dwelling fish that feed on small invertebrates and algae.

26. Uncas Skipper:

  • The Uncas Skipper is a butterfly in North America, particularly in the eastern United States.
  • It’s small size and skip-like flight pattern characterize it, giving it the name “Skipper.”
  • Uncas Skippers are typically found in grassy habitats and feed on nectar from various flowering plants.

27. Uncolored Tree Rat:

  • The Uncolored Tree Rat, also known as the Plain Tree Rat, is a small mammal found in the rainforests of Central and South America.
  • Its uncolored fur is characterized by its lack of distinct markings or patterns.
  • Uncolored Tree Rats are excellent climbers and spend most of their time in trees, feeding on fruits, leaves, and seeds.

28. Underwing Moth:

  • The Underwing Moth is a diverse group of moth species in various parts of the world.
  • They are named for their distinctive underwing patterns, which are often vibrant and striking.
  • Underwing Moths are nocturnal insects known for their camouflage and cryptic behavior.

29. Underwood’s Bonneted Bat:

  • Underwood’s Bonneted Bat, also known as Underwood’s Mastiff Bat, is a rare bat species in Central and South America.
  • It is characterized by its large size and unique facial features, including a prominent “bonnet” of skin on its head.
  • Underwood’s Bonneted Bats are insectivorous and play a vital role in controlling insect populations in their habitat.

30. Undistinguished Sabretooth:

  • The Undistinguished Sabretooth, scientifically known as Homotherium serum, is an extinct saber-toothed cat species that lived during the Pleistocene epoch.
  • Its large size, long canine teeth, and muscular build characterize it.
  • Undistinguished Sabretooths were apex predators and likely hunted large herbivores as their primary food source.

31. Undulated Antpitta:

  • Small, brown bird found in the rainforests of South America. 
  • It is known for its distinctive undulated plumage, which features wavy patterns and markings.
  • Undulated Antpittas are shy and elusive birds that forage on the forest floor for insects and other invertebrates.

32. Undulated Antshrike:

  • The Undulated Antshrike is a bird species found in the rainforests of South America.
  • It is known for its undulated plumage and strong beak, which it uses to feed on insects and small vertebrates.
  • Undulated Antshrikes are territorial birds and have loud, distinctive vocalizations.

33. Undulated Moray Eels:

  • Undulated Moray Eels, also known as Undulated Eels, are a group of marine eel species found in tropical and subtropical waters.
  • Their undulated pattern and elongated bodies characterize them.
  • Undulated Moray Eels are nocturnal and feed on small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates.

34. Undulated Tinamou:

  • The Undulated Tinamou is a bird species found in the forests and grasslands of South America.
  • It is known for its distinctive undulated plumage and secretive behavior.
  • Undulated Tinamous are ground-dwelling birds that feed on seeds, fruits, and insects.

35. Unenlagia:

  • Unenlagia is an extinct dinosaur genus that lived during the Late Cretaceous period in what is now South America.
  • It is characterized by its unusual body proportions and features that show a combination of bird-like and reptile-like traits.
  • Unenlagia is believed to have been a small, agile dinosaur that may have been capable of limited flight.

36. Unescoceratops:

  • Unescoceratops is a small dinosaur genus that lived during the Late Cretaceous period in what is now North America.
  • It is characterized by its unique ceratopsian features, including a horned frill and a beak-like structure.
  • Unescoceratops is considered a close relative of other ceratopsian dinosaurs and provides valuable insights into the evolution of this group.

37. Unexpected Cotton Rat:

  • The Unexpected Cotton Rat is a small rodent species found in North America.
  • It is named for its unexpected occurrence in certain regions where it was not previously recorded.
  • Unexpected Cotton Rats primarily inhabit grassy and marshy habitats and feed on various plant materials.

38. Unicolored Jay:

  • The Unicolored Jay is a bird species found in the forests of Central and South America.
  • It is characterized by its unicolored plumage, which lacks distinct patterns or markings.
  • Unicolored Jays are highly social birds and often form small flocks, feeding on fruits, insects, and small vertebrates.

39. Unicoloured Antwren:

  • The Unicoloured Antwren is a small bird species native to the rainforests of South America.
  • It is known for its unicoloured plumage, lacking distinct patterns or markings.
  • Unicoloured Antwrens feed on insects and other small invertebrates in the forest’s understory.

40. Unicoloured Blackbird:

  • The Unicoloured Blackbird is a bird species found in parts of South America.
  • It is characterized by its unicoloured plumage, which is predominantly black.
  • Unicoloured Blackbirds forage on the ground for seeds, fruits, and small invertebrates.

41. Unicoloured Tapaculo:

  • The Unicoloured Tapaculo is a bird species native to the Andean forests of South America.
  • It is named for its uncolored plumage, lacking distinctive patterns or markings.
  • Unicoloured Tapaculos are elusive and spend much time foraging on the forest floor for insects and other small prey.

42. Unicoloured Thrush:

  • The Unicoloured Thrush, also known as the Pale-breasted Thrush, is a bird species in parts of South America.
  • It is characterized by its unicoloured plumage, which is pale with subtle markings.
  • Unicoloured Thrushes feed on fruits, berries, and insects and are known for their melodious song.

43. Unicorn Crestfish:

  • The Unicorn Crestfish, known as Narwhalopus unicorns, is a deep-sea fish species in various oceans.
  • It is named for its unique elongated dorsal fin, resembling a unicorn’s horn.
  • Unicorn Crestfishes are deep-water dwellers with adaptations for surviving in the ocean’s dark depths.

44. Unicorn Fish:

  • Unicorn Fish, also known as Surgeonfish, are a group of tropical fish species found in coral reefs.
  • They are named for the distinctive horn-like extension on their forehead, resembling a unicorn’s horn.
  • Unicorn Fishes are herbivorous and play an essential role in maintaining the health of coral reef ecosystems.

45. Unicorn Icefish:

  • The Unicorn Icefish, scientifically known as Channichthyidae, is a family of fish in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica.
  • They are named for their unicorn-like appearance and lack of hemoglobin in their blood, giving them a transparent appearance.
  • Unicorn Icefishes have adaptations for surviving in icy waters and are known for their unique physiology.

46. Unicorn Leatherjacket:

  • The Unicorn Leatherjacket, also known as the Unicorn Fish or the Long-spine Leatherjacket, is a marine species in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Its elongated body, distinctive horn-like projections, and rough, leather-like skin characterize it.
  • Unicorn Leatherjackets inhabit coral reefs and feed on algae and small invertebrates.

47. Unicorn Sole:

  • The Unicorn Sole, scientifically known as Achirus unicorns, is a flatfish in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • It is named for its unicorn-like appearance, with an elongated snout resembling a horn.
  • Unicorn Soles are bottom-dwelling fish that camouflage themselves in sandy or muddy substrates.

48. Uniform Antshrike:

  • The Uniform Antshrike is a bird species found in the forests of Central and South America.
  • It is known for its uniform plumage, lacking distinct patterns or markings.
  • Uniform Antshrikes feed on insects and small vertebrates in the forest’s understory.

49. Uniform Crake:

  • The Uniform Crake, also known as the Grey-breasted Crake, is a bird species found in wetlands and marshes of Central and South America.
  • It is characterized by its uniform plumage, which is predominantly brownish-gray.
  • Uniform Crakes forage in dense vegetation for insects, small invertebrates, and seeds.

50. Uniform Finch:

  • The Uniform Finch, or the Plain-colored Seedeater, is a small bird species in South America.
  • It is named for its uniform plumage, lacking distinct patterns or markings.
  • Uniform Finches feed primarily on seeds and are often found in grasslands and open habitats.

51. Uniform Treehunter:

  • The Uniform Treehunter is a bird species found in the Andean cloud forests of South America.
  • It is known for its uniform plumage, which is predominantly olive brown.
  • Uniform Treehunters feed on insects and small invertebrates, often foraging in the dense foliage of trees.

52. Union Jack Butterfly:

  • The Union Jack Butterfly, scientifically known as Delia’s hypocrite, is a butterfly species found in parts of Southeast Asia and Australia.
  • It is named for the distinctive black and white markings on its wings, which resemble the Union Jack flag.
  • Union Jack Butterflies feed on nectar from flowers and are known for their graceful flight.

53. Union Snook:

  • The Union Snook, scientifically known as Centropomus Unionists, is a fish species found in freshwater and brackish habitats in Central America.
  • It is characterized by its elongated body, large mouth, and distinctive black stripe along its side.
  • Union Snooks are predatory fish that feed on smaller fish and crustaceans.

54. Unita Chipmunk:

  • The Unita Chipmunk, scientifically known as Tamias unita, is a small mammal species found in the mountains of Utah, United States.
  • It is named after the Unita Mountains, its native habitat.
  • Unita Chipmunks are active daily and feed on seeds, nuts, and insects.

55. Unlined Giant Chafer Beetle:

  • The Unlined Giant Chafer Beetle, scientifically known as Polyphylla decemlineata, is a beetle species in parts of Europe.
  • It’s large size and unlined elytra (wing covers) characterize it.
  • Unlined Giant Chafer Beetles are primarily active during summer and feed on plant matter.

56. Unspotted Saw-whet Owl:

  • The Unspotted Saw-whet Owl, scientifically known as Aegolius ridgwayi, is a small owl in Mexico and Central America.
  • It is named for its unspotted plumage, lacking distinct markings or spots.
  • Unspotted Saw-whet Owls are nocturnal hunters and feed primarily on small mammals and birds.

57. Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant:

  • The Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant, scientifically known as Anairetes agraphia, is a bird species in South America’s Andes mountains.
  • It is characterized by its unstreaked plumage, lacking the typical streaked patterns seen in other tit-tyrant species.
  • Unstreaked Tit-Tyrants forage for insects and other small invertebrates in the forest canopy.

58. Unstriped Ground Squirrel:

  • The Unstriped Ground Squirrel, scientifically known as Xerospermophilus mohavensis, is a ground squirrel in the southwestern United States.
  • It is named for its unstriped appearance, lacking the typical stripes in many other ground squirrel species.
  • Unstriped Ground Squirrels are diurnal and feed on various seeds, fruits, and vegetation.

59. Upcher’s Warbler:

  • Upcher’s Warbler, scientifically known as Hippolais languida, is a migratory bird species in Europe and Asia.
  • It is named after Edward Upcher, an English naturalist who discovered the species.
  • Upcher’s Warblers breed in open woodlands and feed on insects and small invertebrates.

60. Upland Antshrike:

  • The Upland Antshrike, scientifically known as Thamnophilus aroyae, is a bird species in Central and South America.
  • It is named for its preference for upland habitats, such as montane forests.
  • Upland Antshrikes primarily feed on insects and other small invertebrates found in the understory of forests.

61. Upland Bully:

  • The Upland Bully, scientifically known as Hemichromis fasciatus, is a cichlid fish species found in West Africa’s freshwater habitats.
  • It is named for its aggressive behavior, often bullying other fish in its environment.
  • Upland Bullies are omnivorous and feed on various tiny aquatic organisms and plant matter.

62. Upland Buzzard:

  • The Upland Buzzard, scientifically known as Buteo hemilasius, is a bird of prey in parts of Asia.
  • It is known for its preference for upland habitats, such as mountains and plateaus.
  • Upland Buzzards primarily feed on small mammals, birds, and reptiles.

63. Upland Chorus Frog:

  • The Upland Chorus Frog, Pseudacris feriarum, is a small frog species in North America.
  • It is named for its ability to produce a loud chorus-like call during the breeding season.
  • Upland Chorus Frogs are typically found in grasslands, woodlands, and other upland habitats.

64. Upland Goose:

  • The Upland Goose, scientifically known as Chloephaga picta, is a bird species in southern South America.
  • It is named for its preference for upland habitats, such as grasslands and moorlands.
  • Upland Geese primarily feed on grasses and other vegetation found in their habitats.

65. Upland Horseshoe Bat:

  • The Upland Horseshoe Bat, scientifically known as Rhinolophus macrotis, is a bat species in Southeast Asia.
  • It is named for the horseshoe-shaped structure on its nose, which is used for echolocation.
  • Upland Horseshoe Bats are insectivorous and primarily feed on flying insects.

66. Upland Pipit:

  • The Upland Pipit, scientifically known as Anthus sylvanus, is a small bird species in parts of Europe and North Africa.
  • It is known for its preference for upland habitats, such as mountains and moorlands.
  • Upland Pipits feed on insects and seeds, often foraging on the ground in open habitats.

67. Upland Sandpiper:

  • The Upland Sandpiper, scientifically known as Bartramia longicauda, is a bird species found in North America.
  • It is known for its preference for upland habitats, such as grasslands and prairies.
  • Upland Sandpipers have a distinctive appearance and feed on insects and small invertebrates.

68. Ural Field Mouse:

  • The Ural Field Mouse, scientifically known as Apodemus uralensis, is a small rodent species found in parts of Europe and Asia.
  • It is named after the Ural Mountains, its native range.
  • Ural Field Mice are nocturnal and feed on seeds, fruits, and other plant matter.

69. Ural Owl:

  • The Ural Owl, scientifically known as Strix uralensis, is a bird of prey in parts of Europe and Asia.
  • It is named after the Ural Mountains, its native habitat.
  • Ural Owls primarily feed on small mammals and birds and are known for their distinctive hooting call.

70. Ural Rex:

  • The Ural Rex is a breed of domestic cat known for its curly coat.
  • It originated in Russia and is named after the Ural Mountains, where the breed was developed.
  • Ural Rex cats are known for their friendly and playful nature.

71. Urbacodon:

  • Urbacodon is an extinct genus of mammals that lived during the Jurassic Period.
  • It belonged to the group of early mammals known as Haramiyida.
  • Urbacodon is known from fossil remains found in what is now China.

72. Urchin:

  • Urchins are small, spiny marine creatures belonging to the group of echinoderms.
  • They are characterized by their round or oval shape and a covering of sharp spines.
  • Urchins are found in oceans worldwide and play essential roles in marine ecosystems.

73. Uria:

  • Uria is a genus of seabirds, including species commonly known as murres or guillemots.
  • They are medium-sized birds with black and white plumage.
  • Uria species are found in the northern regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

74. Urial:

  • The Urial, Ovis vignei, is a wild sheep species in Central Asia.
  • It is characterized by its large, curved horns and reddish-brown coat.
  • Urials inhabit mountainous regions and are herbivorous, feeding on grasses and vegetation.

75. Urich’s Tyrannulet:

  • Urich’s Tyrannulet, scientifically known as Phylloscartes Aichi, is a small bird species in South America’s Andean mountains.
  • It is named after Carl Urich, an American ornithologist who collected the first specimens.
  • Urich’s Tyrannulet is known for its energetic behavior and insectivorous diet.

76. Urochordata:

  • Urochordata is a subphylum of marine invertebrates that includes tunicates, also known as sea squirts.
  • They are characterized by their unique body structure and a protective outer covering called a tunic.
  • Urochordates are filter feeders and play essential roles in marine ecosystems.

77. Urocyon cinereoargenteus:

  • Urocyon cinereoargenteus, known as the gray fox, is a small mammal species in North and Central America.
  • It is known for its grayish fur with black accents and a bushy tail with a black stripe.
  • Gray foxes are omnivorous and have a diverse diet that includes small mammals, fruits, insects, and plants.

78. Uromastyx:

  • Uromastyx is a genus of lizards belonging to the family Agamidae.
  • They are known as spiny-tailed lizards and are native to dry regions of Africa and Asia.
  • Uromastyx lizards are herbivorous and well-adapted to desert environments.

79. Uroplatus phantasticus:

  • Uroplatus phantasticus is a species of gecko found in Madagascar.
  • It is named for its unique leaf-like appearance and the presence of “horns” above its eyes.
  • Satanic leaf-tailed geckos are nocturnal and highly camouflaged, blending in with their surroundings.

80. Ursula’s Sunbird:

  • Ursula’s Sunbird, scientifically known as Cinnyris Ursula, is a bird species endemic to the island of Borneo.
  • It is named after Ursula, the daughter of the German naturalist Ernst Hartert.
  • Ursula’s Sunbird is known for its iridescent plumage and feeds primarily on nectar and insects.

81. Ursus americanus:

  • Ursus americanus, commonly known as the American black bear, is a medium-sized bear in North America.
  • It is characterized by its black or dark brown fur, and some individuals may have a light-colored patch on their chest.
  • American black bears are omnivorous, feeding on various plant materials, insects, and occasionally small mammals.

82. Ursus arctos:

  • Ursus arctos, also known as the brown bear, is a large species in various habitats across the Northern Hemisphere.
  • It is named for its brown fur, although the color varies from light to dark.
  • Brown bears are omnivorous and have a wide-ranging diet that includes plants, berries, fish, and small to large mammals.

83. Ursus maritimus:

  • Ursus maritimus, commonly known as the polar bear, is a large bear species in the Arctic region.
  • It is adapted to a cold and marine environment, with a thick layer of insulating fur and a streamlined body.
  • Polar bears are admiringly dependent on sea ice and primarily feed on seals.

84. Ursus tiberanus:

  • Ursus Tiberius, commonly known as the Himalayan brown bear or Tibetan bear, is a bear species found in the high-altitude regions of the Himalayas.
  • It is named after the Tibetan area it inhabits and is closely related to the brown bear.
  • Himalayan brown bears are omnivorous, with a diet consisting of vegetation, fruits, insects, and occasionally small mammals.

85. Urva:

  • Urva is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae.
  • It includes several species of shrubs and small trees in tropical and subtropical regions.
  • Some species of Urva are used in traditional medicine and have cultural significance in certain areas.

86. Usambara akalat:

  • Usambara akalat, scientifically known as Sheppardia Montana, is a bird species endemic to the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania.
  • It is known for its distinctive song and secretive behavior, often foraging on the forest floor.
  • Usambara, aka lats, primarily feeds on insects and small invertebrates.

87. Usambara eagle-owl:

  • The Usambara eagle-owl, scientifically known as Bubo vosseleri, is a large owl species found in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania.
  • It is named after the German ornithologist Bernhard Vosseler.
  • Usambara eagle-owls are nocturnal and feed on various prey, including small mammals and birds.

88. Usambara weaver:

  • The Usambara weaver, scientifically known as Ploceus Nicole, is a bird species endemic to the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania.
  • It is known for its elaborate nest weaving skills, creating intricate and hanging nests.
  • Usambara weavers are primarily seed eaters and can be found in small groups or mixed-species flocks.

89. Ussher’s flycatcher:

  • Ussher’s flycatcher, scientifically known as Muscicapa usher, is a small bird species in West Africa.
  • It is named after the Irish ornithologist Robert J. Ussher.
  • Ussher’s flycatchers inhabit forested areas and feed on flying insects.

90. Ussuri cat:

  • The Ussuri cat, scientifically known as Prionailurus ussuriensis, is a small wild cat in East Asia.
  • It is also known as the Amur leopard cat or Korean leopard cat.
  • Ussuri cats are carnivorous and primarily hunt small mammals and birds.

91. Ussuri tube-nosed bat:

  • The Ussuri tube-nosed bat, scientifically known as Murina ussuriensis, is found in East Asia.
  • It is named after the Ussuri region, its native habitat.
  • Ussuri tube-nosed bats are insectivorous and roost in caves or tree cavities.

92. Ussuri white-toothed shrew:

  • The Ussuri white-toothed shrew, scientifically known as Crocidura laura, is a small mammal species found in East Asia.
  • It is named after the Ussuri region, its native range.
  • Ussuri white-toothed shrews are insectivorous and have a high metabolism.

93. Utah blind snake:

  • The Utah blind snake, scientifically known as Leptotyphlops humilis, is small in the western United States.
  • It is named for its small size and reduced eyes, indicating a subterranean lifestyle.
  • Utah blind snakes feed on small invertebrates and are harmless to humans.

94. Utah milk snake:

  • The Utah milk snake, scientifically known as Lampropeltis triangulum taylori, is a subspecies of milk snake found in the western United States.
  • It is named after the herpetologist Edward Harrison Taylor.
  • Utah milk snakes are non-venomous and display vibrant coloration, often resembling the venomous coral snake.

95. Utah prairie dog:

  • The Utah prairie dog, scientifically known as Cynomys parvidens, is a rodent species endemic to Utah in the United States.
  • It is a social animal that lives in complex burrow systems.
  • Utah prairie dogs primarily feed on grasses and play essential roles in prairie ecosystems.

96. Utahraptor:

  • Utahraptor is a genus of theropod dinosaurs that lived during the Early Cretaceous period.
  • It is one of the largest known dromaeosaurids, characterized by its large size and sickle-shaped claws on its hind feet.
  • Utahraptor was a carnivorous predator, likely hunting enormous herbivorous dinosaurs.

97. Utila spiny-tailed iguana:

  • The Utila spiny-tailed iguana, scientifically known as Ctenosaura bakeri, is a species of iguana endemic to the island of Utila in Honduras.
  • It is also known as the swamper or the Utila iguana.
  • Utila spiny-tailed iguanas are herbivorous and play essential roles in their island ecosystem.

98. Utonagan:

  • Utonagan is a dog breed that originated in the United Kingdom.
  • It is a medium to large-sized dog known for its wolf-like appearance and gentle nature.
  • Utonagans are often used as companion animals and are known for their loyalty and intelligence.

99. Uvea parakeet:

  • The Uvea parakeet, scientifically known as Eunymphicus uvaeensis, is a parrot species endemic to the island of Uvea, part of the Wallis and Futuna territory in the South Pacific.
  • It is also known as the Uvea parakeet or the Wallis parakeet.
  • Uvea parakeets primarily feed on fruits, seeds, and nectar.


We hope you enjoyed learning about animals, starting with the letter U! We’ve provided a list of 99 animals, from the well-known unicorn to the lesser-known urchin. If you’re interested in learning more about other animals, visit our blog for posts on animals that start with different alphabet letters.

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