Animals Start with M

Do you know any animals that start with the letter M?

We would love to hear about them! In this article, we have listed 143  of the most popular animals that start with M. From Macaque to Myna Bird, these are the names of animals that start with M. So be sure to check out this list and see which ones you know!

Alphabetical List of Animals That Start with M
  • Macaque: Macaques are a type of Old World monkey that belongs to the genus Macaca. They are known for their cleverness and social behavior throughout Asia and North Africa. Some species of macaque, such as the Japanese macaque, are known to use tools and exhibit cultural behaviors.
  • Macaroni Penguin: The Macaroni Penguin is a type of penguin that inhabits the sub-Antarctic region. They are known for their distinctive yellow-orange crest feathers and black and white plumage. Macaroni Penguins feed on krill and small fish and dive as deep as 100 meters.
  • Macaw: Macaws are large, colorful parrots native to South America. These animals have elongated tails and are renowned for their cleverness and capability to mimic human language. Macaws are social birds and enjoy spending time with their flocks.
  •  Mackenzie Wolf: The Mackenzie Wolf, also known as the Alaskan tundra wolf, is a subspecies of the gray wolf found in Alaska and the Yukon. They are known for their thick, white fur and ability to thrive in harsh Arctic environments. Mackenzie Wolves primarily feed on caribou but will also eat small mammals and fish.
  • Mackerel: Mackerel is a saltwater fish in temperate and tropical waters worldwide. They are known for their oily flesh and distinctive striped or spotted patterns. Mackerel is an important commercial fish species often used for canning or smoking.
  • Madagascar Hissing Cockroach: The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach is a large species of cockroach that is native to the island of Madagascar. They are known for their ability to hiss when threatened, caused by the expulsion of air through specialized spiracles. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are often kept as pets or used in scientific research.
  • Madagascar Tree Boa: The Madagascar Tree Boa is a species of snake that is found only on the island of Madagascar. They are known for their arboreal lifestyle and ability to camouflage themselves in the trees. Madagascar Tree Boas primarily feed on small mammals and birds.
  • Magellanic Penguin: Magellanic penguins are medium-sized, black and white birds native to South America. They are excellent swimmers and feed on fish, squid, and krill. Magellanic penguins are social animals and live in colonies of up to 10,000 birds.
  • Maggot: A maggot is the larval stage of a fly. They are legless, soft-bodied creatures that are typically white or cream-colored. Maggots have a head with mouth hooks and a segmented body. They are found in moist, decaying organic matter, such as dead animals, garbage, and manure. Maggots feed on this organic matter and help to break it down. 
  • Magpie: Magpies are large, intelligent birds with black and white plumage. They are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. They are known for their noisy chattering and ability to mimic human speech. Magpies are also known for their mischievous nature and reputation as thieves.
  • Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish): The Mahi Mahi, also referred to as the Dolphin Fish, is a type of fish that inhabits tropical and subtropical waters worldwide. They are known for their distinctive bright blue and green colors and are popular game fish for recreational fishermen. Mahi Mahi is also used in many cuisines and is often grilled or fried.
  • Maiasaura: Maiasaura is a duck-billed dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. These creatures were herbivores and are recognizable for their distinctively large, flat heads and nurturing parental behavior towards their offspring. Maiasaura fossils have been found in Montana and are essential for understanding the behavior and development of dinosaurs.
  • Maine Coon: Maine Coons are large, intelligent, and affectionate cats. They are known for their elongated fur and tufted paws. Maine Coons are popular pets in the United States.
  • Mako Shark: The Mako Shark, known for its remarkable speed and agility, is a highly sought-after marine predator. With a streamlined body and powerful jaws, it hunts its prey precisely, making it a popular subject for shark enthusiasts and ocean lovers. Its striking appearance and thrilling behavior make the Mako Shark a captivating species, drawing significant attention from shark researchers and wildlife enthusiasts worldwide.
  • Malayan Civet: The Malayan Civet, also known as the Malayan Palm Civet, is a small mammal native to Southeast Asia. With its distinctive coat pattern and arboreal habits, the Malayan Civet has gained popularity among wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. Its nocturnal behavior and special diet, which includes fruits and small animals, make it an intriguing subject for research and conservation efforts in the region. 
  • Malayan Krait: The Malayan Krait is a venomous snake in Southeast Asia. It is a nocturnal snake with black or blue-black and white or yellowish-white crossbands. The Malayan Krait is a highly venomous snake, and its bite can be fatal.
  • Malayan Tiger: Malayan tigers are critically endangered big cats with orange fur and black stripes. They are found in the forests of Peninsular Malaysia and are the country’s national animal.
  • Mallard Ducks: Mallard Ducks are a domesticated breed of duck commonly kept for their eggs and meat. They are similar in appearance to wild Mallards but have been selectively bred for their size and productivity.
  • Malteagle: Malteagles are tiny, adorable dogs that cross between Beagles and Maltese. They are known for their playful personalities, loyalty, and hypoallergenic coats.
  • Maltese: The Maltese dog is a small, furry creature with a long tail and big, floppy ears. They are known for their playful temperament and loyalty to their owners.
  • Maltese Shih Tzu: The Maltese Shih Tzu, also known as the Mal-Shi, is a crossbreed dog that is a mix between a Maltese and a Shih Tzu. They are known for their small size, soft, fluffy fur, and friendly personalities. Maltese Shih Tzus make excellent companion dogs suitable for families with children.
  • Maltipoo: Maltipoos are small, hypoallergenic dogs that cross between Maltese and Poodles. They are known for being active, brilliant, and devoted nature.
  • Mamba: The Mamba is a highly venomous snake species found in Africa. They are known for their fast, elegant movements and highly potent venom. Mambas are considered one of the most dangerous snakes in the world.
  • Mamushi Snake: The Mamushi Snake is a venomous pit viper species in Asia. They are known for their distinctive diamond-shaped patterns and their highly potent venom. Mamushi Snakes are responsible for a significant number of snakebite deaths in Japan.
  • Man of War Jellyfish: The Man of War Jellyfish is a highly venomous jellyfish found in warm ocean waters. They are known for their distinctive blue and purple float and long, stinging tentacles. Man of War Jellyfish stings can be harrowing and potentially fatal.
  • Manakin: Manakins are small, colorful birds in tropical forests throughout the Americas. They are known for their elaborate amour displays, often involving dancing, singing, and building elaborate nests.
  • Manatee: The Manatee, also known as the sea cow, is a large aquatic mammal in warm coastal waters and rivers in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. They are known for their gentle, slow-moving nature and distinctive flat tails. Manatees are herbivores and feed on seagrass and other aquatic plants.
  • Manchester Terrier: Manchester Terriers are sleek, smooth-haired dogs known for their brilliance, athleticism, and faithfulness. They are a popular breed for families and make great companions.
  • Mandarin Rat Snake: The Mandarin Rat Snake is a species of snake that inhibits in China and Taiwan. They are known for their vibrant orange and black stripes and docile nature. Mandarin Rat Snakes are popular in the pet trade due to their striking appearance and ease of care.
  • Mandarin Duck: The Mandarin Duck is a brightly colored bird native to East Asia. Males have a distinctive plumage of orange, green, blue, and white feathers, while females have a more muted brown and grey coloring. Mandarin Ducks are monogamous and form long-lasting pair bonds.
  • Mandrill: Mandrills are large, colorful primates found in tropical forests in Africa. They are known for their redblue, and yellow faces and posteriors. Mandrills are social animals that live in groups of up to 80 individuals.
  • Maned Wolf: The Maned Wolf is a big wild dog inhabiting South America’s grasslands. Their distinguishing feature is their long and slender legs and distinctive reddish fur. Despite their name, Maned Wolves are not closely related to wolves and are more closely related to foxes.
  • Mangrove Snake: The Mangrove Snake is a type of snake that inhabits the mangrove forests in Southeast Asia and northern Australia. They are highly venomous and are known for their bright colors and distinctive patterning. Mangrove Snakes primarily feed on small rodents and birds.
  • Mangabey: Mangabeys are a type of Old World monkey found throughout Central and West Africa. They are known for their distinctive facial features, which include a hairless face and elongated snout. Mangabeys are highly social animals that live in large groups.
  • Manta Ray: Manta rays are gentle giants of the ocean, reaching up to 20 feet wide. These creatures are known as filter feeders, meaning they filter small fish and plankton from the water using their gill rakers. Manta rays are present in tropical and subtropical waters all around the world. They are endangered due to fishing and habitat loss.
  • Mantella Frog: The Mantella Frog is a group of brightly colored, poisonous frogs in Madagascar. They are known for their striking colors, which include bright red, orange, and blue. 
  • Mantis Shrimp: Mantis shrimp are decapod crustaceans known for their powerful punches. They can create shock waves that can stun or kill their prey. Mantis shrimp are found in tropical and subtropical waters around the world.
  • Map Turtle: Map Turtles are a group of freshwater turtles found throughout North America. They are known for their distinctive shell patterns, which resemble maps. Map Turtles are omnivorous and feed on various aquatic plants, insects, and small fish.
  • Mara: The Mara, also known as the Patagonian Hare, is a rodent species in Argentina. Their distinguishing feature is their long, slender legs and ability to run at high speeds. Maras are social animals that live in large family groups.
  • Marabou Stork: The Marabou Stork is a big, long-legged bird native to Africa. It has a bald head and a pouched throat and is known for its scavenging behavior.
  • Marble Fox: The Marble Fox is rare in the Iberian Peninsula. It has a unique marbled coat and is an excellent climber.
  • Marbled Salamander: The Marbled Salamander is a small, colorful salamander in North America. It has smooth, marbled skin and lives in moist woodlands.
  • Margay: The Margay is a small, cat-like predator in Central and South America. This creature is skilled at climbing and swimming and possesses a slim, elongated body.
  • Marine Angelfish: The Marine Angelfish is a small, colorful fish in tropical and subtropical oceans. It lives in coral reefs and has a bright, colorful body.
  • Marine Iguana: The Marine Iguana is a giant, lizard-like reptile in the Galapagos Islands. It has a spiny back and can swim and dive for food.
  • Marine Toad: The Marine Toad is a giant, poisonous toad found in Central and South America. It has warty skin and lives near water.
  • Markhor: The Markhor is a large, wild goat in Central Asia. It has large, spiral horns and lives in mountainous regions.
  • Marlin: The Marlin is a large game fish in tropical and subtropical oceans. It can reach over 60 miles per hour and is a popular target for sport fishermen.
  • Marmoset: The Marmoset is a small, monkey-like animal in South America. It has a long tail and is an excellent climber.
  • Marmot: The Marmot is a giant ground squirrel in North America and Europe. It hibernates during the winter and has a thick fur coat to keep it warm.
  • Marsh Frog: The Marsh Frog is a small, green frog found in marshes and wetlands. It has sticky pads on its feet to help it grip slippery surfaces.
  • Marten: The Marten is a small, furry mammal found in forests and woodlands. It has a long, slender body and is an excellent climber.
  • Martial Eagle: The Martial Eagle is a giant, mighty eagle found in Africa. It has powerful talons and is a top predator.
  • Masked Palm Civet: The Masked Palm Civet is a small, nocturnal mammal in Africa and Asia. It has a mask-like marking on its face and is an excellent climber.
  • Massasauga: The Massasauga is a small, venomous rattlesnake in North America. It has a black hourglass marking on its back and is found in wetlands.
  • Mastador: The Mastador is a largefriendly, and loyal dog breed that is a cross between the Mastiff and Labrador Retriever. They are popular among families and require regular exercise.
  • Mastiff: The Mastiff is a robust dog breed in Europe and Asia. It has a short, thick coat for guarding and hunting.
  • Mayfly: The Mayfly is a tiny, short-lived insect in freshwater habitats. It has four delicate wings and only lives for a few days.
  • Meadowlark: The Meadowlark is a small songbird found in North America. It has a bright yellow breast and is known for its beautiful singing.
  • Meagle: The Meagle is a crossbreed dog mix of a Beagle and a Miniature Pinscher. They are smallfriendly, and good with children.
  • Mealybug: Mealybugs are smallsoft-bodied insects that suck the sap from plants. They can be a significant pest in gardens and greenhouses.
  • Meerkat: Meerkats are smallsocial mammals that live in Africa. These animals are recognized for their straight standing position and tendency to use their hind legs when searching for prey.
  • Megalodon: Megalodon ( giant shark) was a prehistoric shark that lived millions of years ago. It was larger than any shark today, reaching up to 60 feet long.
  • Megatherium: Megatherium, a vast ground sloth, lived in South America during the Pleistocene epoch. Did you know that the animal we’re talking about is the largest land mammal that has ever roamed the Earth? Weighing up to 10 tons.
  • Megamouth Shark: Megamouth sharks are deep-sea sharks rarely seen by humans. They have giantgaping mouths filled with rows of tiny teeth.
  • Mekong Giant Catfish: Did you know that the Mekong Giant Catfish, which can be found in the Mekong River basin in Southeast Asia, is the largest freshwater fish in the world? It can grow up to 13 feet long and weigh up to 300 pounds!
  • Merganser: Mergansers are ducks with long, slender bills for catching fish. These can be found in North America, Europe, and Asia.
  • Merino Sheep: Merino sheep are known for their soft, wooly fleece. They can be located in Australia, New Zealand, and South America.
  • Merlin: Merlins are small North America, Europe, and Asia falcons. They are known for their acrobatic flying skills.
  • Mexican Alligator Lizard: Mexican Alligator Lizards are giant, lizard-like reptiles in Mexico. Their body is long and slim, and their tail resembles an alligator’s.
  • Mexican black Kingsnake: The Mexican black kingsnake is a visually stunning type of snake with a shiny black body and vibrant yellow or white bands. It is popular among reptile enthusiasts and is known for its gentle nature and adaptability. As a non-venomous snake, it is often kept as a pet, making it a frequently searched topic in the reptile community.
  • Mexican Eagle: The Mexican eagle holds great cultural and symbolic significance in Mexico. It refers to various species of eagles native to Mexico, including the iconic Golden Eagle. The Mexican eagle represents strength, majesty, and national pride with its impressive wingspan and powerful talons. Due to its symbolic importance, it attracts a high search volume for Mexican wildlife.
  • Mexican Free-Tailed Bat: The Mexican free-tailed bat is a fascinating mammal in Mexico, known for its exceptional agility and distinct tail shape. These bats are highly skilled flyers, capable of impressive aerial maneuvers. They are crucial for the environment due to their role in pollination and insect management, making them a popular research topic.
  • Mexican Mole Lizard: The Mexican mole lizard is a unique reptile that resembles a cross between a lizard and a worm. Its elongated body, reduced eyes, and powerful digging capabilities adapt it to an underground lifestyle. With a high search volume, this intriguing creature fascinates researchers and reptile enthusiasts alike, as it represents an extraordinary example of evolutionary adaptation.
  • Mexican Red Knee Tarantula: The Mexican red knee tarantula is a visually stunning arachnid species known for its bold red-orange bands on its legs. Native to Mexico, this tarantula species attracts high search volume due to its popularity in the pet trade. Despite its evil nature, the Mexican red knee tarantula is generally docile and sought after by tarantula enthusiasts for its striking appearance and manageable size.
  • Miki: The Miki is a small breed of dog known for its charming and friendly nature. Originating from Mexico, it has become a popular choice as a companion pet, particularly for individuals or families living in apartments or small spaces. With its compact size and affectionate personality, the Miki breed garners attention and search interest from dog lovers worldwide.
  • Milk Fish: The milkfish is commonly found in Mexico and other tropical regions. Known for its silver-colored body and prominent scales, it is a highly sought-after fish in commercial fishing and aquaculture industries. Milkfish is a popular culinary ingredient. It is often the subject of searches related to cooking, recipes, and sustainable fishing practices.
  • Milk Snake: The milk snake is a colorful, non-venomous snake in various regions, including North America. Known for its vibrant and distinctive pattern, resembling the venomous coral snake, it often attracts attention from snake enthusiasts. With its docile temperament and manageable size, the milk snake is a popular choice as a pet reptile, leading to significant search volume related to care, habitat, and morph variations.
  • Millipede: A long-bodied, many-legged arthropod with a segmented body. They are found in moist habitats and can be up to 12 inches long. Millipedes are detritivores, which means they eat dead and decaying matter.
  • Mini Labradoodle: This dog breed is a playful cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. These remarkable people are acknowledged for their delightful personalities and uniquely curly hair. Mini Labradoodles are popular family pets and are good with children.
  • Miniature Bull Terrier: A small, muscular dog breed that is a miniature version of the Bull Terrier. They are recognized by their square-shaped heads and distinct white markings. Miniature Bull Terriers are intelligent and playful dogs.
  • Miniature Husky: This is a miniature version of the Siberian Husky, known for its small size and lively energy. Their distinguishing features include blue eyes and thick fur. Miniature Huskies are active dogs that need plenty of exercise.
  • Miniature Pinscher: A small, feisty dog breed that is a miniature version of the Doberman Pinscher. They are known for their extended legs and short bodies. Miniature Pinschers are loyal and protective dogs.
  • Mink: A small, semi-aquatic mammal with a long, slender body and a thick fur coat. These can be found in North America, Europe, and Asia. Mink are carnivores and eat fish, frogs, and small mammals.
  • Minke Whale: A small, baleen whale found in temperate and tropical oceans. They are known for their dark gray bodies and white belly. Minke whales are filter feeders and eat small crustaceans.
  • Minnow: A small freshwater fish found in ponds, lakes, and rivers. They are known for their streamlined bodies and minor scales. Minnows are preyed upon by larger fish, birds, and mammals.
  • Mississippi Kite: A hawk-like bird in the central and southern United States. This creature possesses a lengthy tail, wings, and a body that is dark brown with white patterns. Mississippi Kites eat insects, small mammals, and birds.
  • Mite: A tinyparasitic arachnid that can live on plants, animals, and humans. Mites inhabit damp environments, leading to various issues like skin irritation, allergies, and infections.
  • Moa: A large, flightless bird that was native to New Zealand. Moas were up to 13 feet tall and weighed up to 500 pounds. They became extinct in the 15th century, probably due to overhunting by humans.
  • Moccasin Snake: A venomous snake found in the eastern United States. Moccasin snakes have broad heads and thick bodies. They come in black, brown, or red colors. Moccasin snakes are not aggressive, but they will bite if they feel threatened.
  • Mockingbird: A songbird that is found in North and South America. Mockingbirds are renowned for their talent in imitating various sounds, including those of other birds, animals, and even machines. Mockingbirds are also very territorial and often chase away other birds that enter their territory.
  • Mole: A small, burrowing mammal found in North America, Europe, and Asia. Moles have a long, cylindrical body and short legs. Although they have poor eyesight, they have a sharp sense of smell and touch. Moles eat insects, worms, and other small animals.
  • Mole Cricket: A giantnocturnal insect in North America, Europe, and Asia. Mole crickets have long, cylindrical bodies and large claws. These creatures create their homes by digging burrows into the soil. Mole crickets eat roots, leaves, and other plant material.
  • Mole Rat: A blindburrowing rodent that is found in Africa. Mole rats have long, cylindrical body and powerful claws. They live in large colonies in underground burrows. Mole rats eat roots, tubers, and other plant material.
  • Mollusk: A soft-bodied animal that has a hard shell. Mollusks include snails, clams, oysters, and octopuses. Mollusks are found in all parts of the world and come in various shapes and sizes. 
  • Molly: A small freshwater fish found in North America and Europe. Mollys are popular aquarium fish and come in various colors and patterns.
  • Moloch: A spiny lizard that is found in Australia. Molochs have a unique appearance, with spines that cover their body. Molochs are insectivores and eat a variety of insects. 
  • Monarch Butterfly: A large, brightly colored butterfly in North and South America. Monarch butterflies migrate long distances each year. 
  • Mongoose: A small, carnivorous mammal that is found in Africa and Asia. One of the remarkable abilities of mongooses is their capacity to eliminate venomous snakes.
  • Mongrel: A mixed-breed dog. Mongrels are often found in shelters and are popular pets
  • Monitor Lizard: A giant, predatory lizard found in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Monitor lizards are fast and agile and can climb trees and swim. 
  • Monk Seal: A small, endangered seal found in the Pacific Ocean. Monk seals are excellent swimmers and can dive to depths of over 600 feet. 
  • Monkey: A primate found in Africa, Asia, and South America. Monkeys are intelligent and social animals.
  • Monkfish: A bottom-dwelling fish with a large head and a long, eel-like body. Monkfish are found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and are known for their delicious flesh. 
  • Monte Iberia Eleuth: A small, endangered lizard found in Cuba. Monte Iberia Eleuths are known for their unique appearance, long tail, and head crest. 
  • Moon Bear: A large, bear-like mammal that is found in Asia. Moon bears are nocturnal and eat a variety of plant and animal material. 
  • Moon Fish: A deep-sea fish with a flat, disc-shaped body. Moonfish are found in all oceans and are known for their unusual appearance. 
  • Moorhen: A small, black-and-white bird found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Moorhens are known for their long legs and ability to swim and dive. 
  • Moose: A large, hoofed mammal found in North America and Europe. Moose, with their long legs and antlers, are the largest land mammals found in North America.
  • Moray Eel: A long, eel-like fish in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Moray eels are recognized for their pointed teeth and adaptability to dwell in fresh and salt water.
  • Morkie: Meet the adorable hybrid dog from the mix of a Yorkshire Terrier and a Maltese. This little one is a perfect fit for those who love small breeds. Morkies are known for their long hair and their playful personality. 
  • Moscow Watchdog: The Russian dog breed is renowned for its strength, unwavering courage, and utmost loyalty. Moscow Watchdogs are often used as guard dogs
  • Mosquito: A tiny, flying insect that is found all over the world. Mosquitoes can spread diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever.
  • Moth: A flying insect with feathery wings. Moths are present worldwide, and they come in various shapes and sizes.
  • Motmot: A long-tailed bird with a unique call. Motmots in Central and South America are known for catching insects in mid-air.
  • Mountain Beaver: small rodent found in western North America’s mountains. Mountain beavers are known for their ability to dig and create complex burrow systems. 
  • Mountain Bluebird: small blue bird found in North America’s mountains. Mountain bluebirds are known for their beautiful song and habit of nesting in cavities. 
  • Mountain Cur: medium-sized dog that is native to the mountains of Mexico. Mountain curs are known for their intelligence and their ability to hunt. 
  • Mountain Feist: A small, terrier-like dog that is native to the mountains of the United States. Mountain feists are known for their friendly personality and ability to catch rodents. 
  • Mountain Goat: A hoofed mammal found in North America’s mountains. Mountain goats are known for their sure-footedness and their ability to climb. 
  • Mountain Gorilla: A giant ape found in the mountains of Africa. Mountain gorillas are recognized for their cleverness and their communal conduct.
  • Mountain Lion: A large cat found in North America’s mountains. Mountain lions are known for their strength and their ability to climb. 
  • Mountain Sheep: A hoofed mammal found in North America’s mountains. Mountain sheep are known for their thick fur and their ability to jump. 
  • Mourning Dove: This dove is known for its mournful call. This bird is small and plump, with a grayish-brown body and a white breast. Mourning doves are found in North and South America and eat seeds, fruit, and insects.
  • Mouse: This small rodent is found all over the world. It has a long tail and pointed claws. It eats various foods, including seeds, insects, and fruit. Mice are often considered pests, but eating pests like insects can also be helpful.
  • Mouse Deer: This small deer is found in Southeast Asia. This animal features a lengthy tail and sizable ears, and it excels at climbing. Mouse deer eat leaves, shoots, and fruits.
  • Mouse Spider: Did you know Australia is home to the world’s most enormous spider? It has a lifespan of up to 12 inches and is venomous. Mouse spiders eat insects and other small animals.
  • Mudi: This Indian dog breed is known for its intelligence and loyalty. The size of his dog is medium, and it has a short coat.his dog is medium size and has a short coat. It can be found in various colors. Mudis are good at herding and guarding, and they make good family pets.
  • Mudpuppy: This amphibian is found in North America. This animal features a lengthy tail and webbed feet and excels at swimming. Mudpuppies eat fish, insects, and other small animals.
  • Mudskipper: This fish can live on land and in water. It is found in Southeast Asia and has a long snout and gills that allow it to breathe air. Mudskippers eat insects, worms, and other small animals.
  • Mule: This hybrid animal is a cross between a donkey and a horse. It is strong and sure-footed and often used for transportation and labor. Mules can live for up to 50 years.
  • Mule Mule Deer: This species of deer is found in North America. It is a hybrid of the mule deer and the white-tailed deer. Mule mule deer are giant and have longer legs than mule deer.
  • Mullet: This fish is found in warm waters. The creature has a slender body and a sizable head. Mullet are known for their tasty flesh.
  • Muntjac: A small deer found in Asia. It has a short neck and legs and a long snout. Muntjacs are known for their loud calls.
  • Muscovy Duck: large duck found in South America. It has a black body and a white face. Muscovy ducks are known for their musky odor.
  • Musk Ox: A large, furry mammal found in the Arctic. The animal has a dense fur coat that keeps it warm in cold weather. Musk oxen are known for their aggressive behavior.
  • Muskrat: A small, semi-aquatic rodent found in North America. It has a long, flat tail and webbed feet. Muskrats are known for their ability to build dams.
  • Massurana Snake: A venomous snake found in South America. It has a slim, elongated physique and showcases a distinctive design featuring alternating black and yellow stripes. Massurana snakes are known for their aggressive behavior.
  • Mustang: A wild horse found in the American West. Mustangs are recognized for their speed and agility due to their robust, muscular physique and lengthy mane and tail.
  • Muttaburrasaurus: A giant, herbivorous dinosaur found in Australia. It had a long neck, tail, and big head featuring a mouth resembling a beak. Muttaburrasaurus is known for its distinctive teeth.
  • Myna Bird: A small, black bird found in Asia and Africa. The bird has a long, curved beak and emits a loud call. Myna birds are known for their intelligence and ability to mimic human speech.


As you can see, there are so many exciting animals starting with the letter M.

What are some of your favorite ones? Drop a comment down below and share them! 

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